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Shoshin Therapies - Human Body - Energectic Being

You are an energetic being having a physical human experience. This means that everything about you is energy. Your body, your thoughts, your feeling, your emotions, and every action you make are energy events. To discover who you truly are – physically and spiritually – and to begin to understand why you think, feel and act the way you do, along with who you are, then you must learn how to know yourself energetically.

Understanding The Seven Chakras And Their Role In Energetic Flow

The seven chakras within the human body process and circulate energy. It is the chakras that are responsible for transforming energy into the numerous impressions and sensations that resonate with the human body. This isn't as complicated as it sounds as the three primary sensations that we use daily are emotions, thoughts, and physical touch.

How Energy Blockages Affect Us: Physical, Emotional, Mental And Spiritual Issues

When human beings suffer from problems – no matter if they are emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual – it is because the energy within our bodies is unable to radiate and flow freely as a result of armouring and blockage.

Seeing Ourselves As Energetic Beings: Moving Beyond The Physical Body

Before one can begin to comprehend things such as energy, flow, chakras, and vibration, it needs to be recognized that every living being is more than simply their physical state. Every living being is an energetic being. Every being is comprised of a collection of energy fields that network and intermingle with not only each other but also everything else in the environment that surrounds them.

Our Connection To The Universal Energy Field: Implications for Life And Consciousness

The Universe is awash with these fields, and a human being, in essence, is a localised or super-concentrated version of this all-encompassing energetic universal field. Chinese Taoists refer to this field as the Tao. Buddhists reference it as Brahma.

Local or concentrated fields of this energy – which is what human beings are – are always interacting with the universal field but also with each other as well. Every emotion thought and interaction you have in this world is a form of energy discharge that radiates from your energy field.

This is what ancient texts and spiritual gurus refer to as being "self". Our energy field is called "self". Your "self", along with everyone else, exists within the universal energy field and draws life and nourishment from this same source. This is how we, as a human collective, along with all other living creatures, are all universally connected to each other.

Given that we all emerge from and draw the life force from the same universal energy field, and share the same source of consciousness, this makes it unfeasible for any of us to truly know who we are as individuals, and where our place is in all that is until we reach an understanding of who we are as energetic beings and what part we play in the universal energy field.

The reality of what truly can be twisted and misinterpreted when we think of ourselves as detached from everyone and everything else. We also falsify reality if we go along believing our universe is limited to only being the three-dimensional world we see before us with only our eyes.

Our consciousness is wrapped around us much like a blanket or large coat. Inside this wrapping are our physical bodies and our senses, both of which interact with and gather information from the world we inhabit. For our journey on this path in this physical world, we must be conscious and enclosed inside a physical body.

What often happens, however, is that many people may relate to the consciousness, senses and physical body alone, drawing the conclusion and holding the stern belief they are nothing more than this. As such, they will not be open to seeing the universe for what it is or be in a state to experience their actual relationship with it.

When we distort and alter reality and our experience with it, we disturb our relationship with the universal energy field and all local fields of energy that also exist within the universal field, as well as our own.

Given that we each have our own physical body and we walk around with it all day every day, and we are aware we have this body – we can touch it and feel it easily enough – we easily take the opinion we are separate beings, and separate to everyone else walking around. But this conclusion only comes about because this is how it appears to us sensually.

Our five senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch – are aware and sensitive to only a minute part of the universal energy field, and are mostly confined to this physical world, and some would even that is limited to a certain degree.

The actuality is we are interconnected and related and all share part of the same unity and consciousness within the universal energy field. We are energetic beings, localised inside the universal energy field, in this instance as physical human beings.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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