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Shoshin Therapies - Self-Love - Love Yourself

Wanting to live in a world where love is abundant is by no means wishful thinking or pure fantasy. Aspiring to create a more loving world and sharing that love is something many of us want for ourselves and our families. The key to conceiving a world such as this is knowing that love starts with you and your self-love. Let's look at how we can improve self-love and bring more love into your life.

The world you see around you reflects how you view yourself. It is an echo of your inner landscape. Rather than concentrating on the problems external to you, if you want to make the world a better place, start by attending to what is going on inside of you. This path begins with accepting yourself in all your facets and with all your quirks.

How much do you appreciate and love yourself? What influence does this have on how you treat others? What needs to happen here is for you to discover how to transcend the illusion of separation and realise that you are Love itself.

When you can be present in the space that allows love to flow freely through you, then the world will reflect the love you gift to others.

Questions You Need to Ask Yourself About Self-Love

These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself to help determine not only how much self-love you currently have for yourself, but also where your shortfalls are and what you can focus your attention on to inspire more self-love.

Do you love your body?

Do you treat your body well?

Do you feed your body wholesome food and give it sufficient exercise?

Do you touch, stroke, and caress all your body in pleasurable ways?

Do you wear clothes that make you feel good?

Do you ever say thank you to your body for all it has done for you?

Is your mind uncluttered?

Is your mind hooked on certain thoughts or ways of thinking?

Can you give attention to your thoughts when they come in and not get swept away in them?

Do you meditate?

Do you ever experience that quiet time, the gap where you have no thoughts at all?

Is your mind at peace or forever thinking and processing?

Do the same negative thoughts and critical commentary keep replaying in your head?

Do you ever say any nice and caring words to yourself?

Do your emotions flow freely through you or do you become them?

When these emotions come in, are you open to them and feel them fully?

Do you ever seek healthy ways to convey both positive and negative emotions?

Do you block, criticise, deny, or place restrictions on certain types of feelings?

Have you ever noticed your emotions are fluid when you let them be as they are and how they come?

When you are present in the moment, do you feel you are controlled more by your ego or your awareness?

Do you ever scan your body and tune it to any of its feelings and sensations?

Do you feel alone and separate much of the time?

Do you feel supported and a valued part of a local community?

Do you acknowledge that you are one with the Universe and that all separation is an illusion?

Be more conscious of how and when you limit love in your life. Do you have any capacity to be more charitable, kind, and loving to yourself? If you are unable or unwilling to gift yourself love first, then it will be impossible for you to genuinely give it to another person.

Work on filling your cup with love first, and then when you are full of self-love, it will be in abundance and you will be able to share this love with others. Be generous with your love. Enjoy every moment of what it gives to you and what you give to others.

By doing this self-love question and answer session regularly, you will begin to let go of toxic behaviours and thought patterns and learn how to unconditionally love yourself and others. When we can freely offer and receive love, then we contribute to helping build a more loving world.

Please feel free to share this self-love practice with others. Make yourself the Love you wish to see in the world.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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