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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Energy Intelligent

Some believe Reiki energy is extremely intelligent given how accurately and intuitively it works. But how intelligent is Reiki healing energy really?

How Reiki Practitioners Perceive the Intelligence of Reiki Energy

I have found almost all Reiki practitioners will tell you how Reiki energy is intelligent and knows where to send itself to obtain the desired healing. That it knows where to go.

It is a single sentence that is told to every Reiki student at some time during their attunement, something we generally do not fully understand when we first hear it, but over time we come to experience and understand the true meaning behind that statement. Much like religious scriptures from the ancient world, Reiki principles, too, are prone to be misinterpreted and misunderstood in the way it is applied in our daily lives.

Debunking Misconceptions: Does Reiki Energy Truly Know Where to Go?

Reiki students are taught that when we treat someone, we don't have to be afraid of causing harm, doing wrong, or skipping over the source of the problem because Reiki knows where to go to do the most healing.

As we dive deeper and deeper into our practice, we come to realize, much to our delight, that we can often feel or sense the Reiki energy flowing to a completely different part of our client's body rather than the part we are focused on.

This is an amazing sensation when you experience it.

Reiki's Healing Process: Insights into Energy Flow and Imbalances

But what about those people who receive Reiki but have imbalanced energy systems? Those people who feel "off" and just not quite right as they normally are. True, Reiki energy many know where to go, but it is certainly not the absolute truth.

If a person's body is energy-deprived, Reiki will go to the place where it is given. No more, no less. That's it. Reiki instinctively flows to where it is needed the most when there is enough of it to go around.

This works best if you imagine a dry riverbed, nothing but cracked, dusty, dirt. Should you pour a glass of water on this dry, parched, and uneven surface, the water will be instantly absorbed in the place where it is poured. It is only when we continue to pour water, will it spread everywhere where it is dry and parched, creating a wet and even surface.

This is how Reiki healing works.

The Evolution of Energy Healing and Reiki: Challenges and Concerns

Can anything happen without Reiki's will?

Ever since I first started my learning in Reiki in 2017, much has developed in energy healing circles. Just browsing websites such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok it doesn't take me long before I can find material showing how people have invented their own symbols, mantras, rituals, and even completed training sessions and attunements from very short online training courses.

I can't see anyone making any type of prominent spiritual progress with this type of thing.

Some people online are marketing a dozen different variations of Reiki, people are teaching all levels of Reiki to everyone who walks in or signs up, within hours or days (one course said you could be a full Reiki master over a weekend!), and some are even teaching their students meditations and visualizations to ensure loyalty and also to ensure the "teacher" remains rich with a constant revenue stream.

How much of this will we pass off as Reiki's so-called intelligence?

In my personal opinion, when people learn Reiki at multiple levels either together or over a very condensed time, such as a weekend, they are prone to using the excuse of, "Oh, it was destiny and Reiki/The Universe/Source/My Spirit Guides wanted me to learn it this way".

No, Reiki, or anything else for that matter, did not do anything. It didn't because you never surrendered and opened yourself up fully.

I still remember my Reiki teacher telling me that she knew I would seek her out in time, but only when I was truly ready to receive and be taught. She felt this way because she knew that Reiki would not allow anyone – myself included – to come to her unless they were ready.

And learning Reiki takes commitment, time, and a willingness to embrace growth and change in yourself. It is not something you can bash out at a seminar over a few hours or be attuned over a live video stream on Facebook.

But perhaps the Universe sends some people down a certain path, the "easy" path because they are not yet ready to learn and appreciate the real Reiki just yet.

Always remember the Universe gives you all the free will you will ever need to do the greatest good, but also to mess your life up. To live in alignment with Reiki, you need to be in surrender to it.

Embracing Reiki's True Essence: The Path to Mastery and Spiritual Growth

Ultimately, nothing goes against the divine plan the Universe has in store for us. That includes crime, deceit, lies, heartbreak, rapes, wars, violence, and everything else. Part of this grand plan is also to teach you how to wake up and open your eyes to just how much comes down to our own responsibility, and how much we need to open and surrender.

If accepting whatever life brings to you and doing nothing about it takes you toward a darker, unhappy future, then it is a sign you need to do something about it. If it is impossible to do anything, then it is the way life is, and we need to embrace whatever is happening and learn to deal with it the best we can.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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