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Reiki Energy Therapy Isn't Fake

There are many people out there who, when they learn what Reiki energy therapy is all about, are quick to state that it is nothing more than pseudoscience and is a form of crazy hippie faith healing. To them, Reiki healing is fake and can never be real and offer anything substantial at all. But is this type of stance justified?

The Essence of Reiki Energy Therapy

My short answer is no.

Reiki energy flows just fine without having faith or religious-like devotion in it. When there are those types of rock-solid people certain that Reiki cannot work for them, it still often works. However, in my personal experience, it is these types of people who refuse to acknowledge any benefits or results, or that any changes were because of the Reiki healing.

To dig deeper into the subject, I would go as far as to say that I don't believe in faith healing. I believe this is a very broad and sweeping term created to explain away things that science couldn't prove or understand.

Challenging Misconceptions: Is Reiki Pseudoscience or Legitimate Healing?

Just what exactly is faith healing? The most basic definition of faith healing is that it is healing that occurs simply because of the belief in faith itself. Isn't any healing dependent on some degree of faith?

When you visit your doctor would you go to them if you had no faith in their medical knowledge and ability to treat your ailment? That is, for your doctor to provide healing if you had no faith in their abilities. I am sure most doctors will tell many stories about patients who manage to heal even when the wrong treatment is given, and others who remain ill despite being provided the right treatment.

Scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of placebo pills time and time again. The faith healing a surgical procedure can bring about is even more potent. Our medical industry banks on our faith to bring about a very large percentage of healing. They have just managed to make it very uncool to have faith in anything else apart from them.

Unveiling the Science of Faith Healing

So what is it that really heals us?

Many people need to remember that it is not necessarily the technique or the skills of the doctor/healer that brings about the healing. If it did why would people still die after so-called successful operations? And how could they survive after botched surgical or medical failures?

I know I have read many personal accounts of how a doctor who shows a personal interest in the patient will likely have better healing outcomes. One of the negative aspects of modern Western medical care, especially in the government public system, is that patients are often made to feel like lab rats, reducing their potential to fully heal.

The Role of Empathy in Medical Care

A medical practitioner or therapist who can empathize and relate with a patient will go a long way to bring about healing even before the patient takes any medication or undergoes any treatment. This isn't a very lucrative or profitable option where the medical industry is focused on improving balance sheets for shareholders. I am sure many people would have experienced this before.

Would you call that faith healing too?

What truly brings about healing is that genuine desire to provide aid and openness to healing that comes from the depths of the subconscious mind, not from willpower.

An empathetic doctor or healer can help you overcome your ills sooner. A little faith in that doctor or healer will make this process even easier.

When it is faith that helps you to open up to healing, that is faith healing.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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