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Shoshin Therapies - Intuitive Energy Healing

Intuitive energy healing is a type of holistic alternative therapy. It is a complementary form of healing used as an instrument for connecting with life's energy. Intuitive energy healing encompasses a range of treatments performed by those practitioners with special abilities instead of simply applying techniques learned through study in a specific modality.

This isn't to say that practitioners of other types of therapies aren't suitably skilled or intuitive, it is those select few who possess special capabilities who can work with energy fields to a level they can identify the cause of certain mental and physical health problems and recommend the best remedy.

Intuitive energy healers are either trained or are born naturally gifted with the ability to be able to see beyond the everyday visual spectrum the majority of the population does, taking their vision beyond the emotion, past the physical, and into the realm of the energy field, chakras, and auras.

While every person has some form of innate psychic ability - even if they refuse to acknowledge this – most intuitive people are conscious of theirs and have taken steps to develop and enhance their intuitions.

By strengthening their psychic abilities, intuitive healers improve their sense of empathy (the ability to understand feelings and emotions), clairaudience (the ability to hear beyond normal hearing levels), clairsentience (the ability to feel things beyond the physical), or clairvoyance (the ability to see things not seen with normal eyes).

How does Intuitive Energy Healing work?

Many intuitive energy healers can guide divine energy from the Universe and channel that energy into the body of a client. So powerful is this work it can be performed over great distances, with some writings suggesting energy can be sent across time, even dimensionally. Most energy healing sessions, however, are performed as part of a hands-on treatment in a calm, safe, and loving environment.

During an energy healing session, many intuitive healers work to unblock and balance the chakras, clear emotional blockages, initiate the release of trauma and negative emotions, replace dormant energy with new vibrant energy, and gift the client better mental clarity by showing them a path to greater perception and insight. This is commonly done by the practitioner correcting the flow of the client’s energy with their aura and chakras.

Benefits of Intuitive Energy Healing

Through working with the client to help set their intention, the intuitive healer then sees and feels the areas of the client's distress and discomfort and guides the flow of energy to where it needs to go to be of most benefit. Channelled energy is intuitive in its own right, meaning it moves of its own volition to where the blockages are and where the healing is needed.

For those intuitive healers who are more attuned spiritually, angels, spirit guides, and other higher light beings may also provide help by offering spiritually healing vibrations.

Each intuitive energy healer is different in their approach and technique, and they may prefer particular methods or use certain tools and objects that are unique to their speciality and modality. Some of these may include using Akashic records, tarot cards, Reiki, or crystals. While their approach may be different, an intuitive healer seeks to unlock blockage, pain, distress, and trauma by eliminating energetic disharmony.

Even those of us who may be unconsciously wary, perhaps even frightened, to heal with intuition and energy can take positive steps forward by learning to live more mindfully and in the present moment.

The simple act of learning to forgive themselves for things embedded in the past, and not to agonise about the future and events that are yet to materialise, can reward any person with the seeds of the ability to be more perceptive of themselves, their body, and their world, helping them to honour themselves in a way that is loving and honest.

This is the path to better health and happiness.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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