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Shoshin Therapies - Love Energy Vibration

Have you ever stopped to think about what love actually is? Love is much more than the fluttering of romantic hearts and changes in the biochemistry of the brain. Love is a form of energy. Love is a frequency. Love is a vibration. So what is love?

Love as a Form of Energy - And More

Love is more than just a form of energy. It has a spiritual sacredness to it, and it is permeated with grace. It has a high vibration and being connected to love feels incredible. For me, being in love means being in the vibration of love, and I make a focused effort to be present there as much as I consciously can.

Love's Spiritual Sacredness

Simply consider where you are currently on a scale of 1-10 in terms of love and love in your life. Guilt, humiliation, and embarrassment are at 1, neutral is at 5, and pure love is at 10. Please don't be critical of yourself, and don't count on loving yourself in this test. It is like being part of a chemistry test or getting your blood screened at pathology.

Where would you score on your love if I took a sample of your energy and transmitted it up to the great laboratory in the cosmos?

Yes, it can be an amusing little exercise, but the more I work with energy, the more useful this type of framing becomes. What a difference it makes if you can let go of your emotional and mental baggage about what love is and just be unified with the pure energy behind it.

How to Bring More Love into Your Life

Instead of looking in the mirror each day at your own face (or body) and repeating the mantra "I love you" when you don't genuinely feel it, try to envision yourself as a radio receiver who needs to be tuned in to picking up the signal frequency of love.

Much like a radio, you might need some technical improvements to tune into the desired station more clearly, or you could fiddle with the circuitry to make the wiring and transistors fire up together better so you can sense the vibration a little bit clearer. Consider that for a moment. Is this a realistic option for you?

Practising Love in Your Life

How can you put this into practice in your life?

Only you know the answer to that question, but if you don't ask the question, you will never receive the answer. So, instead of asking yourself, "How can I love more today?" which is an ambitious and taxing question for most people at the best of times, consider going with something like, "How can I stay more aligned to the vibration of love today?" and see what happens.

Imagine if the Universe hears you and conspires to help you in achieving your goals.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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