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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Treatment

A Reiki energy therapy session has the promise of deep transformation, and you are very lucky to experience one yourself.

Often people book themselves Reiki therapy treatment only as a last resort because they have been through all other healing modalities, while others desire a type of healing that can help them deal with challenging life situations.

Short of seeking out this type of energy healing simply for the sake of it, chances are that you have an agenda and it is that type of desire that could be the very thing that weakens your healing session.

When we crave something very passionately, our body tenses up and prevents the free flow of energy and its movement around and within us. On the other hand, when we rest in surrender, a free flfree-flowow exchange of energy is possible, and a lot of blockages can fall away quite rapidly.

Before Your Reiki Therapy Session

To get yourself into the best position for your Reiki session, open your mind and your body up to receiving the energy as much as you can. Reciting affirmations and setting intentions are fantastic, but we can sometimes forget the energy knows intuitively what is wrong with our body and what needs fixing.

If possible, invite the energy in and ask it to do whatever needs to be done, and really open yourself up. It is at this time you will find yourself in a position to experience astonishing changes.

To help boost this, you could also ask for the energy to start the healing process just before you go to sleep for a few nights before the session. Reiki healing sessions are not restricted by time and people can receive the benefits of energy before as well as after the healing session itself.

This can be achieved by simply laying on your back and inviting Reiki into your body, inviting it to do whatever is needed to prepare you for a potent healing on the planned date. This will help to shed any subconscious anxiety and resistance you might have towards the potential changes.

During Your Reiki Therapy Session

Be open and honest with your Reiki healer.

At the start of the healing session, be open to bringing energy into your body and request it to do whatever is needed. Ideally, do not make any specific requests, because you can receive much more than what you are asking for. Work is not controlling the outcome. Just let go and let the Universe guide things.

Paying attention to your breathing and your body during the session will help you make the most of it. Deep and conscious breaths help to create physical awareness and connection with yourself and your Reiki practitioner. It also allows the Reiki energy to flow through you and integrate within your body more easily.

After Your Reiki Therapy Session

If your healing session is a particularly deep one, sometimes there is a strong desire to fall asleep when you get home. Should you find this happening to you, simply let sleep come and get all the rest your body is asking for.

Be sure to drink plenty of fresh water as this helps your body to cleanse any toxins the Reiki energy is trying to release.

Try your best to only eat clean, fresh, and unprocessed foods. That is nothing that comes in a box, can, or packet. It would be great if you can avoid alcoholic beverages, sugary drinks, and greasy/fat-heavy foods for a couple of days before and after the healing session.

This is not a mandatory Reiki rule but following it as best you can helps improve the absorption of energy and the release of toxins in your body.

Should you find yourself feeling floaty or light-headed after a Reiki therapy session, try spending a few minutes walking barefoot on grass in your yard or a public park.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.




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