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How to Raise Your Vibration

The universe and everything in it, including human beings, are all made up of energy. Now not only are we all made up of energy, but we are all vibrating at a particular frequency. Everything in our world is energy and vibration.

Understanding Energy Vibration and its Impact

Some people naturally have high energy and, consequently, a high energy vibration frequency – they are the people who walk into a room and light it up, people who have lots of energy and feel positive, people you generally feel drawn to, and who often have no idea what has drawn you in. These are the people who love life.

Significance of Love in Elevating Your Vibration

Life is propelled by the energy of love. Love is fundamentally the key to all. The reason we all seek love is that it is our engrained instrument to living a full life in this world. And by love, this could mean being in love with another person, a job or hobby, or your life. Love brings in delight, it allows us to be in the present moment and create the life we would like to live to be at peace and full of happiness.

However, anger, depression, negativity, and fear smother and suppress energy and have been scientifically proven to impact the human immune system. This is why it is important to keep your energy vibration high.

Why You Should Raise Your Energy and Vibration

So why is it important to raise your vibration anyway?

Anger, depression, negativity, stress anxiety, and fear vibrate at a much lower frequency and will alter our physical state into a lower vibrational frequency. This means we are more prone to getting unwell or feeling like something isn't quite right. To give you a good example, one minute of anger weakens the immune system for four to five hours afterward.

In comparison, one minute of laughter enhances the immune system for up to 24 hours.

Anger, fear, stress, and the like are scientifically proven to lower the immune system, and the immune system is our internal processor for fighting disease and illness within the body.

On an energetic level, negative states also block the heart chakra, disconnecting us from ourselves. So much of our day is directed by our subconscious mind and our built-in behaviours and thought patterns. When we find ourselves in a lower vibrational state because of negative influences, our conscious mind easily goes back into thinking mode and we quickly fall back into our old (bad) behaviours and patterns.

This means your life isn't being guided by love and your yearnings and the things you want to create but by archaic and redundant thinking patterns. Picture your body and how closed off it goes in anxiety or hatred. Most likely you will have your arms crossed, as the whole body goes into defense mode and you wall yourself off from the world around you.

This is the core reason why we need to increase our vibration and become aware of our thoughts. Epigenetic science now shows that many sources of illness can be created from the human mind alone. The mind is the primary cause of physical illness today, not just mental illness. Perception can change so much for you, how you see the world, and what controls your biology, energy levels, and vibration.

Practical Steps: How to Raise Your Energy Vibration

In addition, it has also been scientifically proven that the Earth vibrates at a particular frequency called the Schuman frequency. This is the frequency of the Earth's atmosphere between the surface of the planet and the ionosphere. It is calculated at 7.87hz.

Inside our brain, we have five primary brainwaves. The alpha brainwave is our imaginative calm brainwave when we are calm and not thinking about too much. The alpha brainwave is connected to our creativity, and feelings of relaxation, and being in this state is shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. This is also the natural frequency of the Earth.

This is how connected we all are to everything else and when we are not in the natural relaxed 'alpha' state we can make ourselves ill.

How You Can Increase Your Vibration and Energy

Alternative energy therapies such as Reiki and Crystals can help as they directly give your body an extra energy supply so your cup fills up, so to speak.

Bringing some happiness and joy to your life, such as laughter, connecting with people, or talking to a friend can help. You can also limit time on electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets as Wi-Fi interferes with our electromagnetic frequency and can lower our vibration.

Below are nine more ways you can increase your energy:


Epsom sea salts and magnesium flakes are wonderful to have in a warm bath. Epsom bath salts help to break down the lactic acid in your muscles, which is great if you are under stress. It can help the body relax as your body is mostly made of water and clears your aura and energy field. Magnesium is another mineral that helps with anxiety and stress by enhancing brain functions.

Connect with Nature

Go for a walk in nature or even a public park or garden. To take this a step further, use nature to energize you. Nature is alive, beautiful, vibrant, and full of energy. Don't forget to smile, and observe everything around you. Look around you at every colour and shape. Be present in the moment and find at least five things you love on your walk.


Crystals all vibrate at different frequencies when they are programmed to work with our bodies. They help our body lift to match that of the crystal and raise our vibration in the process.


You can get your partner or the family involved, put on some fun music, open your windows and dance like you don't care, have a chuckle, and have fun. I always do the bunny hop if I need to reset my energy and get it high. Energy needs to go somewhere so releasing it via movement is a fantastic way to change your mood, have a shake, and feel good.


Listening to your favourite songs or some uplifting spiritual music helps your spirit. Things such as binaural beats are also good to listen to as they are composed at certain frequencies connected to your brain waves. This can help to raise your energy and lift you into a positive state. They are gentle and relaxing and wonderful for helping to calm emotions down.


We are what we eat and eating highly processed, chemical foods will bring your vibration down. Anything natural, colourful, and from the earth will help to raise your vibration and make your body work optimally.

Gratitude and Thankfulness

Being in a state of gratitude and feeling blessed is a terrific way to move your energy. When you are thankful for all you have and truly show appreciation, you enter a state of love and move negative emotions.

Even if I'm having a really bad day I will ask myself "What can I be happy about? What can make me feel happy?" This helps to modify your thoughts from the negative over to the positive and raises your vibration.


Even if you only have time to take a couple of minutes out of your day, a full-breath cycle is a form of meditation. Sit with your feet touching the ground beneath you, place your hands on your belly, and take a big deep breath through your nose. Feel the breath travel down to your belly and your belly rise with the inhalation, and then go down. Repeat.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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