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Shoshin Therapies - Love Your Body - Embrace

I was recommended to watch a documentary film about women and female body image in today's society. The film is called Embrace [2016] by Taryn Brumfitt.

The Impact of Mainstream Media on Body Image

Embrace attempts to explore the issues many women face today with regard to body image and what is deemed to be attractive and desirable in our society. The film also looks to inspire women to learn to accept who they are as people and their bodies as unique and special. Women are also shown that there is much positivity to be had by feeling and thinking about their bodies in a greater optimistic light when we shed the media's negative influences.

This film had a powerful impact on me as I often have to reassure women that there is nothing to be embarrassed about with their bodies, and this film was a refreshing insight into what a lot of women go through and experience on an almost daily basis.

Learning to Accept Your Body

Once we all learn (and this includes men as well) that none of us is "perfect", we can all embrace a greater connection, both physical and emotional, with each other that is not consumed by doubt and insecurity.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Insecurities

To place some of my clients at ease, I have no reservations about not being perfect. Far from it. Even though in this line of work there are people out there who have criticized (always online; never if they have met me in person) me for not being that perfect male specimen.

I am charging money for my time, according to one female enquirer I had, so it should be completely acceptable for her to demand perfection from her Tantric practitioner.

This is the same woman who then asked me "Send me a pic of your six-pack"

When I responded with "Sorry, I don't have one let alone six to take a picture of. How is that relevant to Tantric healing? Have you looked at my website?"

She was bewildered and replied with "Oh…oh I just assumed all men trying to offer intimate massages for women were hot. Have to offer something".

Hmm…I could have reacted to the sweeping generalisation she made, but I figured there wasn't much to be gained by debating this woman so I left her with a few recommendations of some other men online that may suit her, ahem, "requirements" a little better.

But I do digress.

If you haven't already, I recommend you watch Embrace when you next get the chance. I did find it an inspiring film that I hope gives women (and men) a brand new perspective and appreciation for female body image.

From watching this film I can sympathize with how many women must view themselves. I can see how just from watching this film how many women could be awash with different feelings and emotions as some of the case studies are likely to strike a personal chord and hit home on some personally sensitive issues.

Embrace hits hard with the message that the mainstream media (and this includes TV, movies, magazines, and social media) misrepresents and falsifies what is the true and accurate female form and shames the realistic body image of women and how we all need to remove ourselves from this deception by not measuring and comparing ourselves against these false beauty goals. That is, we all need to learn to accept ourselves as being who we are: unique and special and beautiful human souls who simply want to love and receive love.

It is time to love your own body. Stop doubting yourself and learn to love and adore who you are. Release yourself from your self-doubts and insecurities and look upon your shape and beauty in a whole new light.

I often have clients (and intimate partners as well) tell me that they are insecure about certain parts of their body, or that they feel fat, or their boobs are too small/big, or their pubic hair isn't quite right, and that no one could ever find them sexy or a turn on.

Of course, these types of thoughts are going to manifest and run wild in a woman's mind if she compares herself to the constant media and fashion industry barrage about what is perfect, what is desirable, and what is sexy.

The entire mainstream media is selling nothing but a fantasy, a make-believe ideal that is an unattainable if not impossible image of beauty. Even the models that women are meant to aspire to be like and compare themselves to are just as insecure and unhappy about themselves. This is simply mind-boggling to think about.

Choosing to Love Your Body

Enough is enough. We all need to stop chasing unattainable ideals and learn to embrace ourselves with more love, kindness, and appreciation. To do otherwise simply deprives you of the positive energy to be had by feeling good about yourself and knowing your true value and worth. It simply robs you of a full and rich life and the opportunity to experience so many wonders and pleasures in the here and now.

Shed the negative energy surrounding your body. Don't give any more time to self-hate or self-doubt. It is your thoughts, energy, and aura that create who you are, not your body shape.

Choose to love your body and love sharing it with others. Your feminine presence and energy are such a beautiful and positive thing to behold.

And there is nothing sexier than a woman in charge and control of her feminine goddess.

Live your life. Love yourself. Start now.

Please watch the documentary Embrace by Taryn Brumfitt.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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