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Divine sexual energy is something intrinsic to all people. Each of us supports our internal balance of feminine and masculine energies, no matter how we choose to identify ourselves. We are influenced and shaped by our feminine and masculine elements, which are powerful forces within our bodies, irrespective of gender. It is these energies that benefit us the most when it comes to fostering compassion, healing, and nurturing ourselves to be more embodied in our skin.

Understanding Divine Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is referred to as being divine because it is seen as a gift from the heavens, from the Source, pure spiritual energy bestowed upon us from the Universe. We can channel and connect with this energy in several ways, as this energy is represented in various alternative and ancient energetic modalities, each of which has its distinctive name such as Chi, Ki, Kundalini, Prana, Life Force Energy, Light Energy, Source Energy, Universal Light.

The Role of Feminine and Masculine Energies

Whilst all of these are derived from differing ideologies and belief systems, what is common amongst them all is that they may be accessed with sexual energy. Energy is exchanged and shared through many actions and activities; the sexual act between the feminine and the masculine is merely one of them.

Therefore, it is important for us when we engage in sex to have awareness of our energy, our partner's energy, to be able to protect our energy, and to cut energetic cords frequently as part of a regular spiritual cleansing regime. It is because being spiritually and energetically healthy means guarding ourselves against picking up stray energies from other people and our intimate partners.

Connecting with Universal Energy Sources

When we can be embodied with our sexuality, we can better connect our sexuality to our inherent divine sexual energy. In turn, we can then use this energy for growth, healing, and change using an incredibly potent force for manifestation: orgasmic power.

Protecting and Cleansing Your Sexual Energy

Orgasms are said to be the personification of fundamental life force and creative energy. When you can get yourself into a state where you can embody your sexuality and move deeper into your sensual side, you will be helping to reconnect your energetic self with your physical self, strengthening both in the process.

This newly reclaimed energy can, when acquired and applied, help you to cultivate your sexual energy from your lower chakras into your higher chakras for greater healing, manifestation, and spiritual growth.

Harnessing Orgasmic Power for Healing

One of the most common misunderstandings many people make is that they associate sexual energy as requiring being intimate with another person or an actual explicit sexual act to take place. Whilst this is certainly by no means an absolute false truth, one can do all of this without having to touch oneself or be touched by another person.

Sexual energy is an empowering gift that resides in us all and is not something that needs to be approved by or unlocked by another. Each of us has the power to use this energy in healthy ways, not exclusively for sexual release.

Misconceptions About Sexual Energy

Sexual blockages, grief, shame, and trauma may impose barriers to this energy, which is why it is important to begin steps towards removing these blockages and other obstacles so that you can better connect with your energy.

Overcoming Sexual Blockages and Trauma

The following are a few suggestions as to how you may approach improving your divine sexual energy for greater personal embodiment. You can use these at any time of the day or night.

Visualizations for Empowering Sexual Energy

Picture warm colors surrounding you. Imagine soft and swirling tones of red, orange, and yellow. Imagine these bright colors wrapping around you, warming you, and filling you with feelings of contentment and happiness.

Practicing Sensual Self-Touch

Look at yourself when standing in front of a mirror. Whatever negative feelings, guilt, or shame you are holding onto about your physical body, imagine these being released one by one and floating away into the air.

Gently and slowly familiarize yourself with sensual touch by lightly running your fingertips up and down your arms and legs. Give attention and focus to what your skin feels. Think about what empowers you when your skin is stimulated.

Affirmations for Embodiment and Empowerment

Envision yourself comfortable in your own body and your skin. Introduce yourself to every body part.

Say aloud or repeat in your mind, "I am in control of my fate. I am in control of my destiny. I am happy. I am healthy. I am whole."

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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