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Shoshin Therapies - Healthy Victim - Shadow Trauma Side

Have you ever wondered about the archetype of the victim that resides within each of us? It is a shadow that rarely surfaces, but it's essential to question how we can nurture a healthy version of this energy. On an internal level, we often make sacrifices for our loved ones, endure hardships for the sake of future pleasures, remain silent on the trauma we hold within, and embark on a journey of selfless love to remain happy and keep the peace. Yet, do we truly comprehend the intricacies of this victim energy and what lies beneath the surface?

The Intricacies of Desire: Balancing Sacrifices and Selflessness

When thoughts related to being a victim, sometimes even with a sexual connotation, arise, we tend to suppress them, deeming them as bad or inappropriate. However, the heart perceives things differently. It seeks to give and create love without experiencing the same level of separation that the mind does.

For the heart, trust and unconditional love are the guiding principles, believing that the more love it gives, the more it experiences in return. To the heart, everything is love.

Yet, the world we live in today often makes it unsafe for the heart to give so freely. The mind intervenes to protect us, closing our hearts to avoid becoming victims. This misalignment between the heart and mind creates a delicate balance between polarity and duality in our lives, shaping our desires and fantasies.

The Heart's Wisdom: Trust, Unconditional Love, and Oneness

To truly orgasm from the heart, to manifest our heartfelt desires into reality, requires alignment between the heart, sex, and mind. But, as we embark on shadow work, we begin to recognize the hidden meanings behind our sexual fantasies. These desires may hold riddles and deeper messages, unveiling the unhealed aspects of our lower chakras.

As we heal our lower energy centres and understand ourselves better, our fantasies start aligning with our true desires. Shadow exploration can be a healthy way to evolve and grow, allowing us to embrace our dark side without it consuming us. It helps us navigate relationships, striking a balance between the masculine and feminine within ourselves.

When our heart opens through giving, and we integrate both our masculine and feminine energies, heartbreak becomes an opportunity for growth. Orgasming from the heart, giving to the world, and manifesting our desires take on new significance, becoming liberating experiences. We no longer depend on others for our happiness, finding freedom within ourselves.

Nurturing the Healthy Victim: Embracing Our Dark Side for Growth

Through exploring de-armoring, surrender, control, domination, submission, and victimhood from this perspective, we embark on a journey of healing our shadow and learning to surrender only when truly loved and cared for. As we find bliss in the act of coming to earth, we embrace a newfound understanding of ourselves, making wiser choices on our path of personal growth.

The path to embracing our shadow and unlocking the potential of our healthy victim lies before us. Let us delve deeper into our souls, embracing all aspects of ourselves, and uncover the true essence of our desires and pleasures.

Together, we embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery and healing.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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