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Shoshin Therapies - Energy Orgasm Explosion

Did you know women and men can have an energy orgasm? Would you like to know how you can do this? It is very real and not at all a made-up fantasy when I tell you that a person can be taught how to reach orgasm through any part of their body…and without being touched.

The Concept of Energy Orgasms: Explained and Explored

While an energy orgasm remains similar in concept to a regular full-body physical orgasm, it does indeed feel different. An energy orgasm is best described as a build-up of delicate, little, shimmering tingles that grow and grow, becoming more and more intense.

Normally an energy orgasm will start in the pelvic and genital region, but as you connect with it more and learn how to move energy around your body, the sensations can appear anywhere. By connecting to energy and breathing consciously, these delicate, little, shimmering tingles expand and spread, pulsate, and vibrate, and then slowly overcome your mind like a delicious – but perfectly natural and healthy – drug.

Most people accept the common definition of an orgasm as being the powerful release of built-up sexual sensation, pressure, and pleasure. What may come as news to many is that an orgasm is the release of any type of build-up of sensation. This also includes the much-overlooked sensation of energy in the body.

For those people who work with the energy in the human body – modalities such as Taoism, Tantra, Reiki, crystal healing, etc. – there can be many different interpretations as to what this type of energy is, depending on what background one approaches this from.

While there is not a universally accepted consensus on the definition of what energy literally is, there is common ground amongst most alternative therapies: a subtle feeling of coolness, warmth, prickles, tingles, or slight shaking or pressure that can move according to your focus. Each of us experiences it somewhat differently, but all feedback comments typically mention subtle but very real moving sensations inside the body.

This energy is connected within a sexual context and can be normally commonly referred to as the "chemistry", "spark" or "turn on" that two people who are attracted to each other can sense between one another. When someone says, "Oh we have great sexual chemistry and clicked straight away," what they are essentially saying is that they have "great energy together".

How to Connect with Your Body's Energy for Orgasmic Bliss

Because our society in the 21st Century isn't entirely keen on placing much emphasis on subtle energies, it can be daunting for new beginners to not only source reliable teaching information, but to also re-condition their bodies to be in a state that is relaxed and open enough to develop an awareness of the energy in their system and learn how to tap into it, move it, and expand it at will. All of this can take time, a lot of time.

Some people can connect with a few goes. For others, it may require dedication and effort to work on their mind and bodies over many weeks or months to develop and improve their intuitions and sensitivity. But it is indeed possible. Once you have trained yourself to recognize it, you can use it for things such as enhancing your perception, discovering different alternative healing modalities, having a profound spiritual awakening, unlocking your kundalini, and… having energy orgasms.

What is important to remember is that energy orgasms have a noticeably different feel and sensation from a normal physical orgasm. Many people tend to overlook this key feature and can come away feeling cheated or denied from the whole experience. I am telling you this now because I sincerely hope you avoid this misunderstanding.

An energy orgasm takes you into a state where your consciousness gets transformed into shimmering, pulsating bubbles. Instead of explosive fireworks and explosive waves of pleasure washing over you, energy orgasms gift you with blissful overflows of radiating subtle pleasure.

As such, energy orgasms are particularly suitable for those people who may experience trouble with reaching a physical orgasm climax or haven't quite learned how to get there, or they need to do sexual healing work first.

Instead of placing a ridiculous amount of expectation on yourself to climax traditionally, you can simply allow yourself to dissolve into the energetic quality of the pleasure minus the appraisal of your experience.

This will provide a platform to reach an orgasmic high point or pleasure peak no matter your unique physical state, thus presenting you with the delights and enjoyments from energy orgasms as it works on rewiring your brain so that your orgasms will come more easily and with greater intensity. Many people have said they sometimes, if they can get into the right state, have impulsive energy orgasms, particularly in the heart. In the right learned state of being, energy orgasms can specifically help women reach their elusive G-spot orgasm, even a breast orgasm. And many more!

When your focus is on your pleasure and sensation, energetic or otherwise, over time you will begin to bolster the strength of the neuronal pathways that trigger orgasm. As you push further, you will increase your ability to drop into melt-your-face-and-blow-your-mind orgasms of any variety.

Training Yourself for Energy Orgasms: Techniques and Tips

Here are some actions you can take to begin experiencing conscious energy orgasms.

Choose where in your body you would like to have an energy orgasm. The heart or the mind are the best places for beginners to start with, but you are free to focus your orgasm on any part of your body as you wish.

Draw your attention to your pelvic region and genitals. Bring awareness to this area's natural state. Now includes this awareness to detect the natural tickle or tingle of the sexual energy down there. If you feel nothing or you feel it is insensitive, gently rock your hips back in forth in a slow grinding motion. This sensual rocking will draw blood and attention to the area, awakening the nerve endings.

Begin to breathe deeply and fully. Take a big, slow inhale….hold it…hold it…hold it…and let the exhaled breath be equally big and slow. Continue this breathing pattern.

Now join your breath with the sexual energy in your pelvis. Imagine in your mind this energy is a warm fire or hot lava. Whatever you imagine it is warm, it is glowing, it is shimmering, and it is getting brighter and hotter the more you focus on it and the deeper you breathe into it.

At this time, you are welcome to move other parts of your body or touch yourself intimately if it services you. Remember, this is not essential, but it is very much allowed if you wish. Notice how the pleasure is starting to form and expand.

On a scale of 1 to 10 on the orgasm chart (where 0 is nothing and not turned on and 10 is an orgasm), when you reach your level of around 3 or 4 of pleasure state, visualize pulling up the warm energy from your pelvis and genitals with each inwards breath you take in. On the outwards breath, shift that same energy to the place in your body you desire to experience orgasm.

Maintain this breathing routine, knowingly inhaling your sexual energy into the place you have chosen on your body.

This task of breathing, focusing, and shifting energy takes attention, time, and practice. I would be deceiving you if I were to claim anything else. But if you can commit yourself and if you practice these often, you will bring about change and it will be worth it.

This is a magnificent way to bond with yourself sexually without the physical touch your body is habitually used to.

The Transformative Power of Energy Orgasms: Benefits and Beyond

By guiding yourself to reach orgasm from even the most subtle forms of pleasure, you will grow to be a gracious and refined lover in whatever sexual journeys the Universe takes you on.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.




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