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Feel Human Body Energy

The human body is much more than simply a material, physical body. In addition to possessing emotions, sensations, and thoughts, a human being also can connect with and feel the healing energy. This is what makes the human body such a spectacular machine with an impeccable structure.

Scientific Basis: How the Human Body Generates Energy

Our planet, in fact, the entire universe, is comprised of energy. This is a scientific theory even modern physics supports. Everything is energy. Everything is based on energy. Energy is what makes up the tiniest particles of an atom to something as colossal as our sun.

Equally, the human body creates an energy of its own as well.

Kirlian Photography: Revealing the Aura of Vibrational Energy

After reaching all the complex neural networks embedded throughout the body, these signals broadcast their vibrations and, as a result, release more energy. These vibrations cause changes in our body's various biological functions, such as the respiratory cycle, lung, and abdominal expansion and contraction, heart muscle activity, and body temperature regulation. This subtle vibration also directly affects our emotions, thoughts, and mental health.

Each human being is essentially a vibration with different thoughts and emotional intensity. The difference in our personalities leads to different vibrations, and each vibrates according to its unique and distinct individual melody.

The paradigm for vibrations from the material world when exit in emphasizes the need for solid proof, and not just formulated ideas. But how can we see for ourselves our vibrational energy signature?

String Theory and the Vibration of the Universe

The answer to this question was discovered in 1939 by Soviet scientist Seymon Kirlian. He pioneered a technique that allows the distinct observation of vibratory energy or the aura of a living being. Kirlian placed a sheet of photographic film on a metal plate. After assembling this setup, a high voltage current was passed through the underlying metal plate. While the film was developing, Kirlian surveyed explicit radiation of various colors around the edges of his photographic subjects.

These radiations were emitted from the entire body of the blade, portraying some mysterious phenomena during the work. This technique was so after known as "Kirlian Photography". Since then, Kirlian photography of various objects such as flowers, human hands, and metal has been developed. All of them, through clear visual evidence, suggest that vibratory energy is present around the photographed object. It bolsters the metaphysical perspective of the universe and shows how conveniently we tend to forget the fact that matter alone cannot be considered the driving force of the universe.

Entombed in the dubious vision of our minds, we have developed a complete disregard for the spiritual side of life. Nicola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer, and one of the greatest intellects in human history, once stated, "If you want to discover the mysteries of the universe, think about energy, frequency, and vibration."

Experiencing Your Human Energy: The PSI Ball Exercise

In our schools and universities, we are taught about the existence and functions of subatomic particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons. String theory also called the "principle of everything", suggests that these subatomic particles do not exist.

Instead, string theory suggests matter is made up of small vibrating wires, the vibrations of which determine the size and mass of the particles. So what string theory advocates is that the unbroken universe vibrates naturally and that we humans vibrate as well. All we can see is energy cloaked in disguise.

Our beliefs and ideas are shaped by what evidence and experience are presented. Scrutinizing the data that describes our vibrational energy is not enough to grasp the idea and to be aware of its existence. But to establish a strong basis for acceptance in the mind where there is doubt, we can do exercises that allow us to feel our energetic power.

Breaking the Illusion: Overcoming Materialistic Perspectives

The following test is called the PSI ball exercise and involves the formation of an energy ball and its felt presence between the palms. To create a PSI ball, let yourself relax and free tension from your body and mind. Next, rub your hands together to warm them up. Now bring your open hands in front of your chest so that your palms are facing each other. Close your eyes, flow through your body, and feel the power in your palms. Focus on this idea and let it sit for one or two minutes. You should begin to push a little between your hands like an energy ball pushing into your palms.

If you keep your mind focused on this idea for a while longer, you will feel that this ball of energy gets bigger and stronger over time. This mental exercise is quite easy and it is great fun for those who want to feel and experience their energy. It is only when we have experienced something such as this that we start to appreciate and begin to accept its presence.

Philosophical Insights: Alan Watts on Eternal Energy

A materialistic approach to the world creates an illusion of separation that cannot appease the waters of anguish and anxiety that will seek to draw you inside its depths. We are all connected to this energetic universe, but still, the idea of separation affects our minds.

In the words of British philosopher Alan Watts: "You are the eternal energy that manifests itself in the form of this universe. You have not come to this world. You came out of it like a wave from the sea."

Our thoughts are conditioned by the material world we live in, the limits of which we must learn to overcome to develop the ability to see the spiritual realities that await discovery.

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