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Shoshin Therapies - Choose Healing Crystal

Perhaps you are drawn to crystals and feel compelled to work with them on some level. You may feel attracted to their energy and vibration and wish to use them more in your daily life. It might be intimidating to find yourself standing in a crystal store with so many shelves of crystals and gemstones to pick from. For someone at the start of their crystal healing journey, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Hopefully, you will find this advice helpful in showing you an easy way to choose the right crystal for you.

There is so much knowledge available on the characteristics of crystals available to us today that may end up being more daunting. Because of this plethora of reference material, many crystal books and websites frequently provide contradictory information, with some even repeating cliches and false truths.

How to Choose a Crystal - Sense

There are several ways you can go about selecting a crystal, but I believe that following your heart is the most important. The skill with this learning is to turn off the analytical, critical, and judgemental parts of your mind and simply open your heart and go with what resonates with you the most.

How to Choose a Crystal - Look

When you are in the crystal store looking at all the crystals and wondering which one to pick, take a slow and deep breath. Keep yourself centred and balanced. Now scan the room with your eyes with the intention in your mind being that you wish the find the right crystal for you.

Be sure to take your time with this exercise and don't rush things. Take your time looking over all the available crystals, and be aware of all the different shapes, sizes, and natural and polished finishes. Allow your eyes to wander freely.

As you drift through the store, see which crystals naturally draw you into them, the ones that are starting to stand out more than others. Once you have decided on a type of crystal, you can then repeat this same process to select one of the individual pieces.

How to Choose a Crystal - Touch and Feel

Our attraction to crystals is not based solely on their physical appearance or how pretty they might look, but also, and perhaps more significantly, on how they make us feel.

When you are making your selection, pick up the crystal(s) you are attracted to one at a time.

Close your eyes and sense how it feels in your hand. Rub your fingers over it. Can you feel the crystal's energy? Do you have any tingling or pulsating sensations? Does the crystal make you feel a certain way, even no way at all?

Try running your open palm over a variety of stones to see what energy and feelings you can pick up on.

Some people will be sensitive and feel the energy from a crystal easily, while others cannot. Please don't treat this fact as being supercritical to your being able to choose the right crystal for you. Fundamentally, you are looking for a crystal that feels nice when you hold it in your hand.

Ask yourself lots of questions. Do you have any feelings about it? Can you feel any connection with it? Do you think it is a good fit for you? Do you like it?

If your responses are all positive, then congratulations, you have discovered a crystal you can work with and appreciate having in your life.

These are easy techniques to help you choose the right healing crystal for you. Even if they don't work 100% for you today, with a little practice anyone will be able to apply them in their crystal searching tomorrow.

Don't forget to check out all my other helpful advice on crystal healing here.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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