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Shoshin Therapies - Male Semen Retention

Have you ever thought about how a man can make himself stronger, more sexual, and more powerful by not ejaculating and by saving his sperm? That's right: don't ejaculate and grow stronger. Would you like to know more about semen retention for men?

The Importance of Sexual Energy for Men

All human bodies run on energy. It is our life force and gives us the power and vitality to do all that we do in life. And our sexual energy is every bit as powerful. Men thrive on their male sexual energy. It is male sexual energy that powers testosterone. It is this male sexual energy that sees men conquer new lands, protect the weak, fight battles, hunt, build, compete and pursue women.

Especially that last one: women.

How Ejaculation Affects Your Body

Men love to chase women. It is what we are designed to do. Men have this deeply ingrained need to propagate and spread our seed as far and wide as biologically possible.

But all this semen production and all this spreading it around business can be a bit of a problem. Forgetting the social practicalities for a moment (that's a topic for another blog on another day!), let's simply look at the actual production process of semen.

Male sexual energy is abundant and vibrant. But it can also be wild and uncontrollable. Many men delight in ejaculating whenever and wherever they can. Some men are known to do it several times a day, every day, sometimes with a partner and sometimes by themselves. They are trigger-happy and at the mercy of their sexual energy and their need to ejaculate.

First of all, there is certainly nothing wrong with men having sexual intercourse, masturbating, and ejaculating. These are perfectly natural things and I would be disappointed to learn if a man wasn't doing these things regularly.

The Science Behind Semen Production

But let's think about ejaculation, semen, and sperm production for a moment.

Every minute of every day, 365 days a year, a man's body is producing new cells to replace old or damaged cells. This includes skin cells, hair cells, nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, and sperm cells. The male body builds sperm cells with frightening efficiency. It never stops. It is a man's life force.

A sperm only has one single objective in its life: to fertilise an ovum. That's it. That's its only goal. Now not all sperms can do this. Some are dead, some swim slowly, some don't swim at all, some have defective genetic material, and some are weak. To create the very best sperm to it has to be made of the good stuff.

So what happens when a man ejaculates?

He throws these sperm – both good and bad quality – out. He gives them away. True, his body starts making replacements almost immediately, but this is an exhausting and energy-draining exercise for the body. This is why men get drowsy and fall asleep after having an orgasm. It is because a man has just given away some of his life energy and now he must produce more. The male body makes it a priority to produce more sperm cells and therefore closes any unnecessary systems and encourages the man to sleep and recharge.

But if the body keeps on making it, what's wrong with ejaculating it? Isn't there a limited amount of sperm that a man can store anyway?

The male body will break down any "unused" sperm in its process of building new sperm. If a man keeps ejaculating it out needlessly or uncontrollably, then his body must channel more time and energy into making sperm from scratch.

To think of this another way, imagine a bodybuilder in the gym lifting weights to build bigger and stronger muscles. If the bodybuilder trains harder with heavier and heavier weights, it sends a signal to his body that his muscles are not strong enough and need to grow bigger to cope with the strong demands placed upon them. But without food for these new muscles, the body will not be able to find the energy it needs to build and grow them. If the food is in storage, then the body will use that.

The same is true with sperm. Male sexual energy is the sperm's life force. If the life force material remains inside a man and hasn't been ejaculated out, and the "older" sperms are still there, then his body will use that and not drain away from other energies from within his body. Yes, a man can still make sperm even if he ejaculates frequently, but it will often not be the most potent and of the best quality. This is why fertility clinics require men to abstain from all forms of sex and not ejaculate for several days before obtaining a testing sample.

The Benefits of Retaining Your Sexual Energy

So if you are a man and you want to be stronger, then stop ejaculating all the time. Learn to control it. Hold on to your life force and don't give it away needlessly. By retaining your sexual energy, even for just a day or two, you will soon notice that you become more focused, less tired, and less drained, your testosterone will fire up and you will begin to feel like a new man.

Learn how to control your ejaculation so that you can ejaculate when you choose to and not when you are compelled to. It is through learning some very simple Tantric bodywork techniques that you can become a stronger and better man. It is through learning certain Tantric principles that you will be able to have a full-body orgasm and NOT ejaculate or lose your erection.

Remember: As a man, you can control how and when you give your life force.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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