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Reiki Healing, Forgiveness and True Harmony

Many amazing changes will occur when a person decides to live their life according to Reiki values. Although the act of forgiveness and the practice of forgiving others is not generally stated as a Reiki principle, it is a necessary step in healing oneself and living in your whole and true self. For example, when a person recalls a terrible incident that brought them much sorrow, and they cling to sad, disturbing feelings, serenity is difficult, if not impossible, to acquire. Reiki energy, however, can be the light to forgiveness, from which will come harmony. This is the true power of Reiki energy.

Understanding Forgiveness in the Context of Reiki

Forgiveness does not imply that the hurtful words and acts directed at you are OK. To forgive does not imply that you condone or excuse someone else's bad conduct, nor does it mean one must be bullied or tolerate the harmful actions of others.

The forgiveness in the context of Reiki is for you, not for the other person. And it does not imply that you should disregard the conduct you have been subjected to.

The Healing Journey: Reiki and Forgiveness

Any experience, even the unwelcome ones, most certainly contains life lessons for both of you. Forgiveness is a deliberate activity taken to repair the wounded person's heart and spirit. Holding on to one's anger, grief, wrath, or vengeance seldom ends well; it can harm a person's spirit much more than the initial incident.

Embracing True Forgiveness

Reiki is a great energy harmonizer. As this strong healing energy is introduced into a person's mind, body, and spirit, any thoughts of wrath and retribution can be soothed and swept away. It needs to be stressed however the Reiki healing is not a magic wand that you wave around and all the bad thoughts and negativity vanish overnight.

Instead, the receiver of Reiki energy becomes more receptive to the potential of energetic healing, receives spiritual nudges, and becomes aware of the genuine mind, body, and spirit relationship.

Steps to Cultivate Forgiveness with Reiki

True forgiveness is a conscious, intentional effort.

The first step in this development is to make the conscious decision to forgive the individual for the damage they have done to you. This may be carried out in secret by making the statement silently in your mind. You may also write out your intention to ground it. It might be the start of a diary note, with additional thoughts and impressions added along the way.

What is important is that you do all this with the honest intention to forgive.

The Transformative Nature of Reiki Healing

The forgiver then acquires knowledge of what the other person's true purpose was at the time. It is this act of stepping outside of your ideas and feelings and into the shoes of another person that is so humbling. Journaling on this topic might help you gain a fresh perspective and new insight as your empathy for others also increases.

Integrating Forgiveness into Your Reiki Practice

An expression of forgiveness is then made. Depending on the circumstances, it might be done face-to-face, via a delivered or undelivered letter, or by saying it out loud in secret. The main thing is to convey your statement and experience the feelings in your open heart. Your words need not be fancy or lengthy, but they should be sincere.

When you convert these feelings, your energy and vibration shift from negativity to love.

Reiki: A Pathway to Inner Harmony

Forgiveness is one of the most profound spiritual and healing acts a person can experience. When we become open to all the ways Reiki may bring energy, love, and vitality into our lives, our emotional baggage is always released as part of the process.

This is why Reiki is a great tool for achieving peace and harmony.

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