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Shoshin Therapies - Negative Thoughts - Mental Health

Negativity, negative energy, and being negative can not only have a devastating and damaging effect on your life but also the lives of people around you. Negativity and negative energy can manifest in many forms. These forms can be from being present in a negative environment, thinking negative thoughts, or being around negative people.

The following is an article on how negativity affects your life and what you can do to avoid or limit the effect and influence negativity has on you and other people.

Always remember that negativity is based upon perception, namely yours, and the experience and reaction you have when you connect with negativity will be personal and unique to you.

What is Negativity?

As I mentioned before, negativity is distinctive in so much as it is personal to you when you receive it. What I deem to be negative and toxic may not be the same for you or the next person. Because we are all unique, we also differ immensely when it comes to what we perceive as being negative, positive, or neutral.

Generally speaking, though, negativity and negative energy is typically associated with dark and destructive energy associated with certain actions, things, or people. Often we can feel straight away when something is not positive. We immediately don't feel right, we feel heavy, or we feel plain uncomfortable in a certain situation.

Some of these feelings and moods may include one, some, or many of the following:




Being cynical.

Feeling guilty.

Gossiping and spreading rumours.


Irritation and frustration.


Lack of confidence.

Low self-esteem.

Poor self-image.

Seeking attention.

Self-pity and self-doubt.

Projection of thoughts and opinions on others.

Your body's energy fields are prone to absorb the negative energy that may be present around you as well as the negative energy within you. It is this act of absorbing negative energy and taking on board negativity that allows this type of energy to remain present and grow. From here it has the potential to affect and manipulate your body's energy and your chakras, possibly resulting in physical symptoms such as lethargy, tiredness, irritability, poor memory and concentration, mood swings, depression, and a general sense of feeling unwell or even illness.

Negativity also has the power to affect your perception of the world and how you treat other people. When you only ever see the very worst in the world and people when overcome with negativity, it may cause you to subconsciously focus and channel your efforts on absorbing even more negative energy, which compounds the problem further.

How Negativity Influences Your Life

Negativity Impacts Your Future

Your conscious thoughts and who you are should not be divided. Both make you who you are. If negative energy has greater abundance in your life, then you stand a much greater chance of creating a future for yourself that is based on what you are currently focusing on and thinking about. By allowing negative thoughts to take root and multiply, you begin a cruel process that is difficult to break free from. Negativity can shape and change your life so much that you may lose touch with your life's true purpose and your full potential.

Negativity Harms Others

Your negative energy has the power to affect the people around you. When you absorb negative energy and begin to project your negativity outwards through negative thoughts, bad mood swings, or even with negative language, these only make your negativity even worse as it is fuel for the negative energy you have within you. Even though the results for you may be bad, it is equally awful for anyone who is around you. Your negativity can damage auras and weaken the positive energy fields of others, opening them up and exposing them to the gloomy effects of your negativity.

Negativity Feeds Negativity

You are what you think. If your thoughts are consumed with negativity and thinking the worst of everything, then this is what you will become. When negative thoughts surround you, then your life will be lived from the negative platform you have created, potentially drawing you and your life into more and more negative events and situations. The path is always the same: start thinking negative thoughts and negative outcomes will soon follow.

Negativity May Harm You Mentally and Physically

The more negative thoughts you live with and the more negativity that consumes you, the more potential negativity has to reveal itself in harmful or debilitating physical health problems in the future. Human bodies are built on energy. Energy is our life force. We are connected to it every bit as much as it is connected to us. When we are consumed with negative thinking, negative emotions, and negative energy, sooner or later this has the potential to manifest into physical ailments and harm our bodies with very real consequences. You don't have to look far to see what damage stress and tension can have on our bodies.

How to Reduce Negativity in Your Life

The best defence you have within you right now that can help to reduce the amount of negativity in your life is communication. Speaking your mind, speaking openness, and speaking the truth are fantastic tools for combating negativity. This is different from not lying or simply being abrupt and confrontational with people. What this means is that you will create more positivity within yourself when you start living the life you want and being who you are. Be open, honest, and truthful. Be you. The real you. Follow your intuition and gut instinct and don't blindly follow other people simply because society demands it of you.

This approach works because you will be in better touch with the person you are meant to be and on your way to living the life you are destined for.

Do all of the things that bring you enjoyment, pleasure, and delight. Do what makes you smile. Do the things that edge you closer to achieving what you need to out of life. You may not feel it today, or even tomorrow, but you are in exactly the right place you need to be right now. Don't be afraid to let go of the things that hold you back and shed the people who drag you down. Be present in the moment and live life for the moment right now. It is very difficult to be negative or act negatively when you aren't dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Live in the now.

There are many, many more brilliant exercises and methods that you can use to help with the removal of negativity and negative energy from your life. These include things such as breathwork, chakra cleansing, crystal energy healing, meditation, massage, personal mantras, Reiki, and yoga to name but some.

You are welcome to try one or several of the above healing techniques to help cleanse and clear yourself of negativity, and negative energy and promote the attraction and flow of positive energy.

If you are interested in learning ways to help remove negativity from your life, or perhaps receive a Tibetan Reiki energy healing session, please feel free to contact me for more details.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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