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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Energy Healing

Crystal healing, sometimes known as crystal therapy, is a type of alternative and complementary energy healing modality. To people who have only recently discovered crystals, they may appear to be fashionable and trendy now, but crystals and crystal healing work has been used for restorative and therapeutic purposes around the world for thousands of years.

The Science Behind Crystal Healing

One doesn't have to be all new age or spiritual to use crystals in everyday life. On a purely scientific level, crystals play a part in our modern world all around us in the form of clocks, LCD displays, medical equipment, lasers, and lots of other digital computer technology.

All walks of human life from around the globe have applied the use of crystals for various purposes and intentions for many thousands of years. Ancient cultures in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America, from farmers and warriors to kings and queens, all utilised crystals for uses in healing, magic, jewellery, charms, protection, religion, and war.

Crystals are exquisite and gorgeous creations from deep inside the earth. Having them in your life is enjoyable and relaxing. If you wish to take their abilities to the next level, then their energetic and healing properties are something everyone can learn how to tap into. You don't need to be a crystal guru or live an alternative lifestyle or follow any religious dogma to connect with and work with crystals.

What you need is an openness to appreciate how they work, be conscious of energy, and be sincere with your intentions when it comes to experimenting and receiving what is between you and the crystal.

Crystals and Their Influence on Us

Everything in our world is energy, everything you see and touch. This included us as well. We are all energy and vibration. Because certain things – such as our bodies and other physical objects – vibrate at a lower rate, we can see and touch them. Other energetic beings and creations vibrate at a much higher rate meaning most of us are unable to see them and fewer still can only sense them. But because we can't see them with the naked eye doesn't mean they do not exist, or they are not aware of us.

We intuitively understand this when someone tells you to sense the room, they are basically asking you to intuitively detect the energies in the room to determine whether they are positive or negative (vibrating at a high or low frequency) and then decide on the best course of action.

We generate a high vibrational frequency when we are happy and at peace, which impacts everything and everyone around us. If we can sustain this high vibration, we will become the type of person that everyone wants to be around because they feel good when they are in our company.

This, of course, works both ways. People can tell when we are moody or frustrated, and we will have a negative impact on them. For example, I believe that most of us at some time could sense when people were upset are had just had an argument before they said anything. Without exception, our energy has an impact on others.

Crystal and gemstone energy frequencies are among the highest vibrational frequencies on the planet. The law of attraction governs our cosmos, which states that things attract other things with which they share a vibrational match.

When you're in the presence of an entity with a very high vibration, such as a crystal, your energetic condition will begin to mirror the crystal.

In essence, this is how crystals influence us and how crystal healing works.

How to Use Crystals for Healing

Any crystal, by virtue of its extraordinarily high vibrational nature, will try to raise the vibration of the surroundings in which it is put or the person on or with whom it is placed. As a result, any crystal will help you feel better in a pinch.

Each crystal, on the other hand, has its own energy qualities.

Using crystals that are aligned with your goal and intentions will undoubtedly boost and improve your results. Depending on what you need and how complicated your issue is, you can elect to work with a certain type of crystal best suited to the matter. Crystals can be placed on the body, which is especially effective in pain relief. They can also be carried in your pocket or worn as jewellery as charms or for energetic protection.

Crystals can also be arranged in a geometric design, known as a crystal grid, to enhance their effects, or for use with manifestations or magic rituals.

That's right, crystals can be used for more than just physical and mental therapy. Crystals can be used to manifest things on the physical level, such as sending luck, love, and protection to yourself or loved ones, or as a meditation aid. You can use your crystals to raise the energy of the room and heighten the positive effects of your work during your healing or spiritual practice, and you can also purposefully place them throughout your home or workspace to enhance your positive vibes, increasing both physical beauty and all-round good feelings.

There are a plethora of ways to work with crystals, and the perfect method is whatever resonates with you the most and what you feel is best for you at the time. No rule says you must follow any particular set of guidelines or adhere to a certain kind of grid in every minute detail. What is important is allowing your intention to guide you and allow the energy to flow where it needs to go.

What Crystals Should You Use?

There are many references to the energy and therapeutic powers of crystals and gemstones available on the Internet and in the hundreds of crystal healing books available. While the information is reasonably uniform, especially for the more famous crystals like Lemurian Quartz, Rose Quartz, Jade, and Amethyst (to name but a few), there are many differing opinions, viewpoints, and a wide range of contradicting facts.

But you don't know or aren't sure, what are you meant to follow?

The answer is always the same with crystals: Go with your intuition and with what resonates most with you.

Pay some attention to the other customers the next time you are shopping for crystals at the crystal store.

Some of them may be holding a crystal in their palm while closing their eyes. This is a popular method of detecting the crystal's unique energy. When you hold a crystal in your hand, you are permitting its energy to pass through you, and you are allowing it to tell you how it may assist you, or if it is truly meant to connect with you.

You will know which crystals to use if you just relax and let your intuition guide you, even if you have no idea what they are or how they are meant to influence your emotional, mental, or physical body. Also, don't ever be afraid to challenge any held ideas and beliefs about what a certain type of crystal is good for if the long-held definition doesn't gel with you.

Keep in mind that everyone who talks and writes about crystals does it from their unique perspective and personal experience. Every person is unique. There is no right or wrong when it comes to doing what feels right for you when working with crystals.

If you are told to utilise a certain crystal but it doesn't speak to you, or you don't feel any energy with it, don't use it. It makes no difference if everyone uses it, and you are the sole person who rejects it.

What matters is that you choose the crystal that you intuitively believe will be the most effective crystal for you.

What is Healing?

It is crucial to emphasise that the term "healing" does not imply a "cure," especially when used in the framework of holistic health, alternative therapies, and energy work. The term "healing" refers to the state of one's mind, body, and spirit. Certainly, a physically fit person might have a low level of well-being if they are habitually unhappy or emotionally unstable, for example, and a terminally ill person can have an elevated level of well-being even though their illness may ultimately claim their life.

The bulk of the crystal and energy healing news stories you hear about are based on what people perceive to be unexplainable and miraculous cures for major medical problems, ranging from spontaneous healing of broken bones to a robust recovery from long-term disease. True, each crystal has qualities that have a physical impact on the body, which you can use to your benefit as a form of complementary therapy to enhance medical treatments.

Different Ways to Use Crystals for Healing

The notion is that crystal therapy, like all alternative energy healing techniques, works on the physical body as a complete unit on the levels of mind, body, and spirit. Hence its effects will be sensed and experienced very differently than in traditional modern medicine. Crystals work by restoring wholeness to the total body, including the subtle energetic bodies like our aura because crystal energy addresses the body as a complete package.

Modern medicine is great because it focuses on the specific region being treated. Drugs and medications can be directed to the ailment, bacteria, or virus causing an issue and treat it directly.

Where drugs and medicinal involvement are required, crystals are a brilliant natural and complementary therapy that can help to accelerate the healing process by functioning in tandem with medicines and treatments.

It is never a good idea to use crystals instead of prescribed medicine or to ignore the advice given by a medical practitioner. One must always seek the advice of a relevant medical specialist for an accurate assessment and diagnosis, and to establish what other treatments may be necessary.

Consider Becoming a Certified Crystal Healer

If someone uses crystals for healing purposes, whether for themselves or others, they are a crystal healer. To use crystals effectively for calming, healing, and manifesting, you don't need to pay money for any additional training or formal certification.

Crystal healing therapy, like other types of energy therapy such as Reiki , light work, and many other alternative modalities, is still unregulated as a professional service in Australia. Though an accreditation or certification of your education in crystal healing is obviously advantageous, it is not strictly essential for ambitious professional crystal healers.

I completed my certification in crystal healing because I wanted to expand my knowledge and learn how to appropriately administer crystal energy as a healing method to others. My training was through the Evolve Healing Institute. As I am also a certified Tibetan Reiki practitioner, I believe that becoming a trained crystal healer would benefit my practice and professional standing.

Crystals will improve your life no matter what you do with them or how you engage with them. Allow the external beauty of crystals to act as a positive reminder of your own inner beauty and limitless potential in this world.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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