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Shoshin Therapies - Healing Wellness Growth

Our body, mind, and soul work in harmony together to facilitate our healing processes and promote optimal wellness. When we are unwell, we concentrate on our bodies to recover. That is a wonderful thing, but we are overlooking two other equally vital aspects of recovering our health. Our emotions and soul are crucial in the healing process. Unhealthy emotions are frequently the main source of our illnesses. Illness might even be a manifested communication from the soul. When your body, mind, and soul are all on the same page when it comes to healing, anything is possible.

Most of us are willing to work on or repair our bodies and souls, but not necessarily our emotions. We may be genuinely unaware of how our emotions and thoughts affect our bodies. Our emotions and thoughts can generate either a healthy, vibrant body or an unwell, depleted one. When you give your body what it requires, energetically, emotionally, and physically, you no longer need the message behind the symptoms, and you may begin the healing process.

What You Think About Influences How Your Body Feels

Anxiety and fear are major causes of why we don't feel 100% in our bodies. More people than ever before exist in chronic states of fear and worry. This unhealthy state of "being on edge" has become the norm, and we have gotten accustomed to it and treat it as normal. Emotions such as sadness, fear, shame, and stress all have a detrimental impact on the body. According to scientific studies, just 15 minutes of stress weakens your immune system for a day. Even low amounts of prolonged stress cause bodily harm if left unchecked.

In contrast, love-based emotions have a completely different effect on the body. These cause a biological reaction that fills the body with helpful chemicals, hormones and endorphins like neuropeptides and oxytocin. Even acts of gratitude trigger a positive healing reaction in your body.

"You are what you eat," as the old saying goes. The same goes for the ideas and emotions you feed your mind regularly. Negative, fear-based ideas damage your body and, if not released, become poisonous over time. Positive, love-based ideas energise and enliven you. Recognize the kind of emotions you experience regularly. Learning how to wash away negative, poisonous ideas is the key to success.

Your Mind and Heart Share Your Energy Field & Your Mind Follows Your Heart

The electromagnetic energy field produced by your heart is far larger than that produced by your brain. The electromagnetic field of your heart is attuned to your brain, not the other way around. That is, your heart leads your mind. If your heart is filled with anger, fear, shame, or grief, your brain will synchronise with it and mirror its energetic rhythm. If your heart is filled with appreciation, forgiveness, love, delight, and happiness, your brain will follow suit and shift into that state.

Anxiety and depression have been shown in health studies to be bigger causes of heart disease than cigarette smoking. Mentally unwell people are more susceptible to blocked arteries and veins, even blood clots and cerebral strokes.

Being Unwell May Awaken Spiritual Growth

A period of being unwell might be a sign from your soul to attract your attention to help you change your behaviours, thought patterns and approach to life. Regular self-criticism and constant mental churn are very taxing on your body. The emergence of a life-threatening condition, or even an illness that gives you a good scare, can drastically alter your outlook on life and what is important to you. It might just be the incentive to rapidly shift out of negative self-talk and into greater appreciation and self-love.

A bout of ill health has the enormous potential to raise awareness. You may become conscious of the priceless gift of life after suffering an ailment that requires serious medical attention. Listening to the sound of children's laughter, enjoying the changes in the seasons, watching birds fly in formation, delighting in the intimate embraces with your lover, all these suddenly bring you more satisfaction and pleasure. Your heart opens like it never has before.

We are here on Earth to grow and evolve as energetic beings. More evolved spirits are likely to take on higher physical challenges and more formidable learning experiences. Adversity forces you to learn and grow more quickly. When you are seeking answers, ask yourself, "How is this obstacle assisting me in evolving?"

You Need to Be Open to Healing

Someone who is facing a health complaint may be unwilling to be healed. They may be under the mistaken impression their ill health is cosmic retribution for previous transgressions, or even for wrongdoings from a past life. They might erroneously believe they must experience pain and suffering in this life to be forgiven for a prior transgression. A soul may use health experiences to help it grow, but it will never use them to punish itself. Look to release any ingrained notion of soul punishment that is keeping you from moving forwards.

An Open Heart Creates Healing Connections

Your body is an amazing healing engine. Your incredible immune system rushes into action to eliminate any invading bacteria, virus, or poison. But your immune system cannot function without added help.

Your mind and spirit must be involved in the healing process of the body. All three need to combine to form one astounding healing machine. Listening to and reacting to the calls of your body, mind, and soul while maintaining an open heart connection will realise absolute healing.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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