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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Healing - Spiritual Connection

Attunement and spiritual connection through healing crystals involve a process of turning inward, de-focusing on the external world, on the outflow of energy, and simply focusing on the inner world and the movement of your energy in the present moment. The function or use of crystals during this process helps with resonance and fully embracing the attunement itself.

Techniques to develop attunement and spiritual connection

There are many techniques available to help develop this attunement process and each person will find the unique technique that connects with them the most and will, ultimately, work best for them. The most important factor is that the technique facilities the inner focusing of attention. It is also important that the technique be seen for what it is, a technique that you will be able to let go of eventually to allow the spontaneous movement of the natural process.

Importance of inner focusing and presence

The wide variety of awareness, relaxation, and meditation techniques currently being adopted serve a vast number of people with many different needs. It is through these techniques that your attention is focused more on the body and its energy rather than on the mind and its contents and constant need to process. There is often a de-emphasis on the mind as attention begins to shift and at the same time, there is a corresponding shift in energy as energy always flows where attention flows.

Integrating spiritual and physical dimensions

This movement or shift of attention and energy away from the mind is essential to experiencing what is the here and now. The present moment can never be experienced directly through the mind or thought. The mind functions in the past or looks ahead into the future. The present dimension is only truly experienced when you can slip out of your thoughts and just be here, relaxed and present in the moment. Of course, this is much easier said than done. This process of being present requires actual practice as the mind has become the habitual focal point of energy, particularly in the modern Western world.

Enhancing the attunement process with crystals

Given enough time and practice, the mind will eventually cease its chatter and churning and you will experience yourself more aware and conscious of the moment, more in tune with the flow of your energy and your environment, and you will experience other ways of knowing that do not directly involve the mind. Intuitiveness and a deep inner sense of knowing will begin to surface along with many other experiences which may reveal dimensions of yourself that you have hitherto not known.

Your spiritual dimension can only be experienced in the present moment. Connection with the Universe is experienced only in the present moment. When you come to live in the moment with awareness, you come to know the Universe. The Universe is never removed from you, it is hidden away in the eternal moment and you only need to be present to begin to know this.

Each of us needs to learn to embrace and trust our process and our inner knowing. It can be difficult, but we should not become hung up on following the processes or rituals set down by others. True, take in and absorb their knowledge and teachings, but follow in your heart what speaks directly to you.

To put it more succinctly, take what resonates with you and trash the rest. Quite often experiences of knowingness and presence can happen spontaneously and become more and more frequent as your energy shifts away from the mind. Thinking that you are in the moment is not the same as being in the moment. If you think you are in the moment, you are not in the moment, you are still in your mind. This is tricky and needs to be experienced a few times to fully appreciate the notable difference. Being in the moment is a surrender of the mental activity, a pure presence of your awareness and your own being.

Some people will naturally connect and flow with this process with ease and without minimal effort or practice. People such as this seem ageless, alive, and teeming with vitality despite their physical age. There is a most brilliant, sparkling clarity within their eyes. These people simply radiate. They do not live in time. They live now, with no past, no future, only now. They sit on the edge of time and watch the parade of time pass by them. They are simply and wholly present.

Becoming present is the gateway to your spiritual dimension, to knowing your oneness with all and your wholeness as well as to integrating your spiritual and physical dimensions. To experience your wholeness is to experience the balance and integration of the trinity of your energies and through this, you will come to know your essence.

The movement or shift just mentioned above is fundamental to creating a spiritual connection and can indeed be done without the use of crystals. The function of crystals is to enhance the process by helping to increase energy awareness. Crystals act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions. As crystals naturally clarify and magnify energy, they can help us experience our energy with greater sensitivity and awareness through the attunement process. Crystals can then help to de-focus from the mind and bring attention to the energy body and in this way, we can become more consciously present in our moment, as energy only happens now.

Controversy and debate surrounding spirituality

There is plenty of controversy and debate in the world today surrounding the issue of spirituality. Attempting to define spirit or spirituality with any degree of complete accuracy is virtually impossible. It is also erroneous right from the very start as definitions come from the mind, from words, the product of the mind. At best these words can only seek to describe limited aspects of spirit but they cannot capture the essence of spirit. It is analogous to attempting to create building bricks with a wholly liquid substance, like water.

Words tend to confine when they are used to define. Spirit can only be experienced and known directly in the present moment. As you come to experience the natural flow of your aliveness and vitality more, moment to moment, you will begin to experience the Universe or spirit in each moment and you will relish in the discovery that you have always been where you have wanted to be but may not have consciously known it.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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