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Crystal Journeying Energy Healing

I have had a few clients ask me what is Crystal Journeying and what is it about. Crystal Journeying is a beautiful type of natural crystal healing therapy that applies the energy and vibration of several crystals to facilitate you into a peaceful meditative state of deep relaxation and tranquillity. From here, your mind goes on a crystal dream-like journey that travels into the depths of your spiritual being and your subconscious to uncover answers and shed light on what will bring you true peace and happiness in this life.

The state of our being and that of all things in the universe we occupy are comprised of energy. Energy is all around us. Everything you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is energy. And all this energy is in a constant state of vibration.

As such, we are forever under the influence of energy and its vibrations around us.

How Does Crystal Journeying Work?

As you lay comfortably on your back, crystals are placed around the head and crown chakra area of your body in the form of a distinctive mandala. This specific concentration of crystals helps raise the possibility for you to activate a shift in your consciousness into an altered mental state, which is where Crystal Journeying truly takes on its unique effect.

You are, in essence, dreaming with crystals.

When negative energy is cleared, it is through this expanded state of awareness that it is entirely possible to drop into a place of profound relaxation, inner discovery, and absolute bliss. It is these elements that facilitate our physical and spiritual healing.

This healing may be in the form of release of stress and tension, dissolution of emotional blockages, relief from trauma, ejection of negative energy, the opening of dream states that encourage better sleep patterns, reconnection with the Divine, and removal of underlying interference from unwanted entities and anything from an unwelcome source.

In some instances, Crystal Journeying has been known to open channels to the spirit world and allow for the crown chakra activation and development.

As such, deep, constructive, and decisive life changes can come about.

Model: Sam from Bundy Yoga.

What Can You Experience Through Crystal Journeying?

  1. The benefits of Crystal Journeying can include:

  2. Awakening and Activation of Your Energetic Being

  3. Clarification of Life Purpose or What Existence Means to You

  4. Opening of Deeply Personal Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Healing

  5. Experience of Profound Bliss States and Relaxation

  6. Activation or Reconnection with Your Crown Chakra

  7. Connection with Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides for Messages

  8. Reconnection with the Divine and Your Higher Self

  9. Releasing of Blockages, Stagnant Energy, Stress, and Symptoms of Trauma

  10. Experience of Connection with Your Own Self and Your Loving Being.

If you are interested in experiencing the wonders of Crystal Journeying, please do feel free to reach out.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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