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Shoshin Therapies - Grounded Awareness - Tree Roots

Grounded awareness is the wellness practice of returning to one's body. This type of alternative therapy looks to support healing and overall wellbeing. The human body is innately conceived with the ability to help promote, grow, and repair itself so that the physical life experience may be enjoyed and delighted fully.

The Benefits of Grounded Awareness

Maintaining a good sense of grounded awareness helps us to restore our sense of equilibrium in our bodies by unlocking inner knowing and discovering aspects of our emotional, bodily, energetic, and spiritual identities.

The following is an amazingly straightforward practice anyone can do if they are wishing to have more grounded awareness.

Take yourself out into nature. This can be a forest or public park, even your back garden will suffice.

Find a spot that is quiet and still, preferably away from noise and distractions such as people or animals. Find your perfect spot and simply standstill.

Place your palms over your heart and become aware of your presence in both your body and the wider area around you.

Draw your attention to where your feet connect with the ground. Bring your focus to how the weight of your body feels through your feet and how the earth below you is pushing back up to support you. This is how you ground yourself.

Look out across the nature scene in front of you. Allow your focus to drift on whatever it is you feel drawn to. This could be a plant, a branch on a tree, a patch of grass, the water in a garden pond, a stone, even a particular flower or a single leaf.

When you look at what your eyes land on, assume you are seeing it for the first time. Consider it, reflect on it, take in all its features and markings. Let your attention on this single thing be the only thing going on in your world right now.

Now it is time to increase your awareness more. Without losing your focus on your special object, shift your awareness inside yourself. Do you feel anything inside that you sense as sharing the same feelings you get when you gaze into your special object? There might not be anything noticeable to start with, but I recommend you stay with this intention and remain positive. Maintain your focus both externally and internally.

Take notice of any feelings, thoughts, or memories that surface, all the while maintaining your attention on this double awareness juggling act. Allow whatever it is you may be sensing to spread and grow, let it flow and shift in any way it wishes to.

Meander and float around your surroundings, letting random things pique your interest and catch your gaze. Spend some time with each one you resonate with. Consider everything you look upon in turn, progressively sensing what arises for you and how it makes your body feel. As you move on from each item of thought, give it thanks for its being in the world with you and offer your gratitude.

Say a thank you in your mind or say it out loud.

Slowly stroll between things, feeling the soil beneath your feet and using all your other senses, including smell, hearing, and touch.

Imagine your movements, feelings, and sensations rippling through the planet.

I think this quote from English romantic poet John Keats is a good way to end this article.

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; It will never pass into nothingness."


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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