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Shoshin Therapies - Create World - Power of Vibration

After maintaining an active interest in energy healing for many years, it has become abundantly clear to me that we each can create our own reality in this world through embodying our consciousness in physical form. It is our vibration that is the key. Our vibration is our energetic pathway to creation and the cosmos. Here are five ways to help you in opening the power of your personal vibration.

1. The Power of Vibration Through Your Breath and Breathwork

Our breathing and even how we breathe influence our emotional, mental, and physical state of being. When our breathing is short and shallow, or even when we hold our breath, our mental focus can become scattered, which can then lead to emotional chaos and disruption.

When we breathe – and breathe deeply and fully – we are embracing a fundamental way in which we can make a more profound connection with our body and build stability in our emotions and our mind. The sensations we experience from the flow of breath entering our body become an anchor that drops us out of our mind's constant need for chatter and processing and into the safe haven of our actual body.

It is from being present and allowing yourself to drop into the moment of expansion of the breath and internal movement of inwards and outwards flow that carries our consciousness deeper into the body. When the breath can connect with the body it completes what is a basic step in slowing down our processes just enough to get us to a place where we can feel our vibration.

2. The Power of Vibration Through Your Emotions and Heart

The full sensory experience is comprised of breathing, movement, and sound. A further sensory experience is engaged when you become receptive to your own emotions and what is in your heart. To embrace and welcome our emotions deeply and fully, we must first suspend judgment and merely experience what is brought to us "as is" and view it as natural energy in motion.

Our unconditional acceptance of this energy in motion lets it move into a place of balance and harmony in the heart centre where we can discover our pure creative potential. Free-flowing emotions move in a current of energy that forms a part of our vibrational essence. Our thoughts and feelings then come together to create our reality.

3. The Power of Vibration Through Movement

Movement is another important instrument for us to connect with our vibrational energy. Movement is fantastic when it comes to opening up our vibrational field and releasing old and tired energies. Movement clears space to allow more breath to flow into our bodies. Movement can also be applied to intentionally stimulate the sensory experience in the body. When we allow ourselves to surrender but remain connected with the feelings and sensations of our movement while consciously breathing, we will find ourselves in the perfect place to end our breath directly into our internal spaces.

Movement gives us the capacity to access these places and unify our breath into parts of our body that otherwise we would not normally be able to send breath into. It is very real for your to feel a connection with your body, feel more energy flowing, and discover a deep sense of embodied peace when breath and movement unite. Movement becomes our foundation. It becomes a safe place for us to rest and drop fully into our consciousness. It is through movement we can relax in our internal sensations and become sensitive to the subtle energy vibrations flowing in our body.

4. The Power of Vibration Through Sensory Experience

The human physical form is comprised of the same vibrating elements and matter as the Earth. This vibrating matter of our body is the bond we share with all of creation. Our bodies are the doorway through which we can conceive our own reality. To create consciously, we need to be able to feel our internal vibration, bond with it, and have a sensory experience with it.

It is through this deep sensory experience that the way for us to begin developing the necessary mastery of our vibration is initiated. To recapture our connection with our vibration, there is a need to surrender to the tangible, sensory experience of the body and the streams of energy moving within it.

Luckily, we have the means to help us re-establish our vibrational experience. Through breath, movement, and sound we can fully open our bodies, releasing stagnant energies and retune to our original vibrational state of being.

5. The Power of Vibration Through Sound

The simple vibration of our own voice can be a very powerful tool for healing when it is combined and connected with our physical body. The vibrating tone of our voice can shift blocked energy and connect us more deeply with our feelings and emotions.

Sound is a wave capable of moving information, emotion, and thoughts. It can move our feelings and our intentions into a coherent wave frame in our bodies. When our body is wholly receiving and experiencing the emotion of our intention, our whole being becomes the vibrating resonance of our desire. By resonating our consciousness through our whole body, we can create our reality more rapidly.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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