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Unlock Sexual Pleasure

Are you feeling stuck in a bit of a sexual rut? Perhaps you are not getting the pleasure from sex and intimacy you need to feel satisfied and fulfilled. Don't worry, you are not alone. All of us need to tune up our mojo every once in a while.

So here are five easy steps that can help you to unplug and kick start your body to be open and ready for not only more sexual pleasure but more satisfying pleasure as well.

Make Time For Pleasure

All of us are very busy and time-poor these days. As such, we must set aside regular time (approx. 2-3 hours) that we can dedicate to shedding all of the demands, concerns, and intrusions of the world – this includes work, business commitments, family, friends, social media, computers, mobile phones – and focus completely and wholly on self-pleasure and shared pleasure between yourself and your intimate partner.

During this pleasure time, the emphasis is totally on the erotic intimacy of the moment, right here and right now. Nothing else matters during this time.

Have a Safe Space

Whilst the idea of having sex or being intimate in a strange or public place may be quite thrilling if you are looking to reconnect with your sexual self, the best place to do so is in a safe place where you feel comfortable and at ease.

This can be any place where you feel free and open to speak your mind, be naked, and be sensual with not only yourself but with your lover(s). This can be your bedroom, a space in your home, or any place that you can go to and be completely at ease.

Take Charge of Your Pleasure

When you learn to connect with your body and be in tune with it on a sensual level, you won't be so reliant on the actions of other people for you to receive pleasure and have a great time. Take time to get to know your body, embrace it, and love it.

Experiment with how your body changes and reacts to different forms of sensation and touch. Try masturbating in different ways. Try breathing more slowly and deeply, make sounds, and move more as you discover the pleasure spots all over your body.

When you can focus on the pleasure you feel within yourself, and be open to it, you come to learn that that very same pleasure isn't conditional on being provided by your partner.

Be Naked in Nature

If your safe space is somewhere in nature, then this is a very easy step for you. Being naked out in a forest, atop a mountain, at the beach, or under a waterfall (just to name a few) is a wild and exhilarating feeling.

Nature is non-judgemental and welcomes us all as we are. If you have been struggling with body image issues, then spending time naked in nature – either alone or with other people – is something I thoroughly recommend embracing for the serenity and the healing power of being completely raw with the wilderness and the natural environment.

It is sure to be both therapeutic and liberating at the same time.

Pick Better Sexual Partners

Sometimes the people we jump into bed with simply aren't right for us, even though we may initially think they are. Perhaps you could try a different approach and choose an intimate partner not based on what you would normally seek in another.

Instead of making your choice purely on, say, their physical appearance or social status, maybe next time go with someone a little bit different from your "type" or who, perhaps, is more in tune with their sensuality and sensitivity, or is open to mutual sharing and experimentation of new sensations and pleasures.

By stepping outside your sexual comfort zone, you may just connect with a new person on a whole new level you never before thought possible.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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