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Shoshin Therapies - Walking Own Path

It can often be a great challenge walking your own path and owning the decisions you make. On many occasions, you are likely to find yourself at a crossroads in life where you need to decide about which way to turn. Sometimes this decision is not as easy as left or right, up, or down, or yes, or no. And yet the decision you make and the path you choose could ultimately be life-changing or a dead end.

The catch is almost always you won't know for certain what the result will be until you take that first step.

The Challenge of Decision Making

Human beings face many challenges and obstacles in their lifetime. One of the hardest we wrestle with is making decisions that may or may not turn out to be good for us. To do so is to essentially journey into the unknown, something many of us are loathe to do.

But if you hold the notion that everything that happens to you – and everything that will happen to you – only happens for good and to push you closer to where you need to be, then you will realize there are no mistakes in this life, and everything transpires for a reason and with a lesson to learn.

Embracing the Journey

The path we take in life – your path – has always been there. No matter how long it takes you to decide to open the door and walk your path, no matter how much distress making that decision has affected you, the answer has been there all along. It was just waiting for you to accept it and make it your own.

Finding Your Purpose

This lifetime – no matter who we are or where we have come from – is about reaching an understanding that the path we are on is the one when intended to be on all along. The challenges and struggles we encounter along the way are simply there to teach us and to help us grow. They help us develop into stronger, more capable versions of ourselves, and guide us towards finding our purpose.

Our great challenge is to remain open and embrace everything that comes to us on the journey without anxiety, fear, or doubt.

So, be comfortable walking your own path in life. Own it, grab hold of it and enjoy the ride!


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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