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Shoshin Therapies - Heart Desire - Life Passion

Our desires are powerful energetic forces, especially those deep and burning desires that are sparked from our hearts and soul. Desire is a beautiful example of the human life force that is alive within us. It is from desire that all of our motivations, actions, and movements are birthed. Desire prompts us and presents us with direction. When desire goes missing, we can often find ourselves feeling directionless, lacking imagination, lost, stuck, or just feeling like our life is spinning on an endless loop of repetition. If you feel this is you, and you feel you have lost touch with your heart's desire, here are four really powerful exercises to help you uncover your desire and reconnect with yourself.

Of course, we all know how some people manage to always be teeming with desires. Those effervescent types always seem to know what they want, and how to get it and are always making great inroads to going after it and getting it. Other people can find themselves disconnected from their heart's desires and what inspires them. These types of people know their sought-after treasure is buried out there somewhere, only they have lost their treasure map.

If this sounds like you, here are four exercises for you to try.

The Four Exercises For Uncovering Your Heart's Desires

1. Identify Your Desires

For those of you who draw a blank with identifying any deep desires at all, try working with something small that is more readily available. So instead of wishing for a big new house, try working on cleaning up and de-cluttering your existing residence to give it a refreshed and revamped appearance. Often when want things or events to happen to us, what we are really yearning for is the feeling we believe they will give to us.

So try identifying something that you want. It can be anything. Dive into visualising it. Spend plenty of time with it in your mind. Ask yourself how will you feel when you get it. Whatever emotions or feelings that present to you, write them down.

Now consider other ways you could elicit the same emotions and feelings.

Now dream bigger. Be sure not to make this exercise a chore. Make it fun. Don't be afraid to be bold and daring with what you desire. Is there anything here that inspires you? If this is the case, work with it. If not, at least you have identified a way you want to feel, which is useful information.

2. Identify What You Don't Want

Should you struggle with identifying what you desire, then let's approach things from the other side. What is it that you don't want?

What irritates, annoys, or makes you want to scream? Make a note of those details.

For everything you write down that is something you don't want, imagine the most fantastically different and opposite situation, including any emotions or feelings. As before, don't be afraid to dream big, be detailed, and have fun. What comes through to you will be great clues to what your desires are. The main focus here is swapping out those negative energy "don't wants" with positive energy desires.

3. Look at What Sparks Your Curiosity

What makes you curious? What draws your attention? What makes you interested and keen to try it?

What prompts your interest can often be clues to where your undiscovered desires and passions might be hiding or building for you. Give yourself permission to follow up on them and learn more about them. True, not everything you are interested in is going to lead to unlocking a grand passion or burning desire, but taking yourself on a little journey of adventure and discovery is always fun, it might lead to finding other bigger desires, and it also helps us become more connected with our intuitive inner leanings and life force.

Write up an actionable to-do list. Mark your calendar and set reminders. If you find that your cup is already full and your to-do list is already packed with commitments and obligations, look to do a little pruning and trimming to free up some time and space. Our duties and our passions have very different feels to them, and they rarely overlap.

Tidy up your commitments and to-do list and see what happens.

4. Let's Get Real

Last, and certainly not least, is the realistic and practical exercise.

If you have made it through this far with the exercises and are still finding yourself disconnected and no closer to finding your heart's desires, especially after a long while, then it is highly recommended you check on your health. Touch base with a medical professional and investigate things such as your diet, alcohol intake, lifestyle, sleeping patterns, stress levels, family and work pressures, and even consider the possibility of depression.

Lastly, don't forget to ponder the notion that perhaps you can't find your heart's desire right because you already have it in your life at this moment.

If this is true, then there is nothing to be fixed!


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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