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Shoshin Therapies - Energy Vibration Particles

Everything in our world and universe, including you, is made of energy. All that you are is energy, and once you begin to see yourself in this light, as an almost spiritual entity unaffected by space and time, and unconstrained by an ostensibly physical flesh and bone body, the walls within you will begin to dissolve. And meditation and self-contemplation are excellent tools for achieving these levels of perception.

Your body's atoms are always vibrating at extremely high rates and frequencies. This is what people are referring to when they talk about things such as raising your vibration. When you are in a happy and positive frame of mind, you will be vibrating at a very high frequency, making it difficult for any undesirable energy to influence you.

However, if you are unhappy or depressed and vibrating at a very low and slow frequency, you are vulnerable to energy that has the potential to pull you down even lower. How you maintain your physical self will dictate how you handle the different energies that interact with you.

With this understanding, what we are at our core is a vibrating being comprised of pure energy. How we vibrate collectively as a species produces the world around us. Essentially, the universe echoes with whatever vibration we emit. It makes no difference whether it is good or negative; the universe will ultimately respond to what it is we are vibrating.

The Science of Vibrations and Quantum Physics

In the scientific field of quantum physics, the contemporary notion is everything in the universe is comprised of energy. Our bodies are made up of particles and atoms that may be broken down into energy that vibrates at distinctive frequencies. When we analyse an atom, we discover that it is made up of energy waves, which is like cellular electricity. An atom's nucleus is roughly 100,000 times smaller than the atom itself. Inside the nucleus of an atom, there are protons and neutrons that are made up of three quarks. Quarks are held together by invisible nuclear forces known as gluons. But all these particles add up to a relatively small fraction of our total physical mass.

So, where does the remainder of our physical mass come from?

The answer: energy.

The Power of Your Thoughts and Emotions

The current state of the world is the consequence of collective human awareness and manifestation. What is taking place in the world this very minute is a direct reflection of the average vibrational frequency from which humanity operates. War, starvation, crime, shortages, diseases, violence, anger, fear, economic unrest, conflict, and even everything connected with the COVID-19 pandemic, all exist in the world because they are manifestations of humanity's internal state of energetic projection.

Despite this overwhelming amount of negativity, if we pay close attention, some beautiful things in the world are developing. When we are awakened to it, there is much new growth, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and transformation, all of which stem from a deep yearning inside each of us to return to our natural condition so that we might advance towards a future in which all life can flourish. This awakening of energy is taking place in the world right now.

Going on a new age or spiritual quest to better understand the intricacies of the universe will not result in a change on its own. It will allow us to see and understand the true nature of our reality and ourselves, but it will not transform the world on its own. True change begins when we start to comprehend the laws of the universe and then apply those laws to our lives.

Creating a Positive Vibrational State

The importance of this knowledge is for us to recognise that we are all energy, we all vibrate, and each of us is our unique energy signature. Feelings, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts all play important roles, and quantum physics illuminates the relevance of how we all feel. If we are all in a calm, loving condition on the inside, and our mental state is clear and at peace, it will undoubtedly affect the exterior environment around us and influence how others feel.

Feelings of love, joy, delight, and prosperity will attract more of the same. Like attracts like. Spend your days doing what stimulates excitement, happiness, and passion inside of you. From this position, you will create a life in which you may follow your enthusiasms, passions, and what makes you happy, whatever these things may be.

Transforming the World Through Your Vibration

Because of the higher energetic nature of vibrations such as love, delight, joy, and kindness being radiated by so many, all of this combines to help transform the world.

Everything is made of energy. Everything that made you is energy. You are energy.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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