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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Sexual Healing Body

Tantric sexual healing, and sexological bodywork, seek to break down barriers surrounding our sexual selves and our sexuality by shedding embarrassment, guilt, shame, and trauma by teaching us to embrace our bodies, our presence, our sexual energy, and our sexuality. Tantric sexual healing combines ancient and modern bodywork techniques to create more natural self-love, pleasure, and bliss for those wishing to be healed and needing to overcome different types of sexual dysfunction or sexual trauma.

It is through tantric sexual healing, and sexological bodywork, that healing is allowed to flourish with therapies involving intimate personal body experiences that nurture, awaken and open our sensual, sexual, and erotic selves.

What You Should Know About Tantric Sexual Healing

We Are All Energy

The human body is designed to feel, move, vibrate, and flow. We are energy and energy is who we are. Energy is the building block of everything in the world and the universe. Every form of life, every object or item there has ever been, was created by energy. Life is energy. From the atoms inside our DNA to our physical deeds to our thoughts and emotions, all of these have energy pulsing and beating at all times.

When we are exposed to sexual trauma, which is often only a temporary negative disruption to the flow of energy, our body's functions and systems tend to freeze up or build defensive walls, which may last for days, weeks, months, or even years. Our muscles may tense up, our nerves don't connect or fire as well, and our feelings and emotions may retreat inside to a safe space. This isn't a permanent retreat by any means, but one that must be overcome with compassion, kindness, and touch to help a person move forward and above their anxiety, abuse, fear, shame, or embarrassment.

Healing Occurs on Many Levels

Sexual healing pulsates in surges in a similar fashion that waves do on the shoreline at the beach. Sexual trauma moves through all facets of the human body – physical body, attitude, beliefs, emotions, feelings, even auras – and not solely in the genital region. Even though it may be the physical body that is holding on to the manifestation of trauma, our emotions, feelings, and thoughts inside our minds are all woven together.

So touch a trigger point in one, and the effect may be visible in another. For example, an old memory from a past relationship may trigger sadness and withdrawal. All parts that make us whole – mind, body, and spirit – are interlocked and crossed over.

Trauma Blocks Energy Flow

Trauma causes our bodies to go into a defensive or protection mode. The body anticipates future attacks or pain so it looks to defend itself from anything it feels may harm. This type of defense system, also known as body armoring, blocks the flow of sexual energy through the body. Sexual trauma often has many faces and forms, with interconnecting levels and webs of anger, tension, humiliation, and secrecy.

So as long as the body is allowed to build these defensive walls, the greater the amount of separation will be. This separation can range from separation from oneself, family, friends, social circles, and even one's own body where pleasure and sensation become virtually numb and lifeless.

Once again, if the energy can't flow and is blocked, then healing will not happen.

Sexological bodywork and sexual healing seek to bridge the gap between healing the trauma and removing the blockages.

There is No Shame in Sexual Trauma or Your Sexuality

Often many people brush off sexual trauma or their sexuality as something dirty, shameful, and, at best, not to be mentioned to anyone. Sexual trauma and sexuality are often things to be treated coldly, like a sterile medical procedure such as mending a bone fracture or administering antibiotics to cure an infection. It is little wonder that people often feel overwhelmed when it comes to sexual healing as they feel lost or don't know where to turn to for help. They freeze up inside their bodies and retreat further within themselves.

Those who are suffering or are seeking help need to be brought back into the light, back into the moment, and reconnected with their emotions, feelings, and sensations happening to them right now in the present reality.

Your Body Wants to Love You

Your body loves you and it wants nothing but the best for you. Always. And your body is remarkably skilled at helping you through the sexual healing process. Sexual energy is a wonderful source of healing power and is a beautiful natural resource that can aid and heal the body in overcoming trauma. The movement of sexual energy gets the body vibrating and healing. Sexual energy works tremendously with vibration, pumping the heart and pulsing the body with rhythmic waves. Much like muscle memory, the body will remember its sensual rhythm when it is reintroduced to it.

Connect back with touch and feeling and the heart will open and the healing will begin.

Safety is Paramount

When we are in our safe space, we can clear our minds and drop into the moment. Our comfort in our safety is paramount for any healing work to produce results. When the mind is safe, muscles will ease, emotions will flow, memories will flood back, and your voice will speak openly and honestly. What doors have been closed will be opened. What has gone unsaid will be said. What has been chained will be freed. A good sexual healer will bring you into a safe space that is filled with authenticity, peace, compassion, and unconditional love so that barriers can be broken down and healing is allowed to flow.

Follow Your Body

Don't push your body into doing something it is not ready to do. Instead, learn to trust your instincts or your "gut" and follow your body's lead. Yes, there will be times when you will feel an overwhelming urge to run when you ought to stand firm or go faster when it is better to go slower, but you should always work towards not forcing the body into doing anything and be open to the signals about what it wants to do instead.

Take charge of your healing and listen to your body.

Sexual Healing is Normal

Needing sexual healing and wanting to reach out is nothing to be ashamed or self-conscious about. You are not weak, hopeless, or selfish. Your sexuality is at the very core of who you are. As such, seeking healing so that you can be reconnected with your sexual energy and sexual self should be seen as something beautiful and sacred.

Please don't hide away any longer. If you need healing, please reach out to a sexual healer for help and guidance on your journey.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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