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Shoshin Therapies - Tantra - Tantric Practices for Awakening

Tantra and Tantric practices are more than just sex. Tantra is a method of viewing the world as a flow of energy and living life in a way that allows you to embrace this energy to feel more awakened, alive, and present in the moment. Tantra has origins in philosophical religion from ancient times. Yes, some facets do revolve around sexual exercises that emphasize energy and spiritualism with the focus on creating deep, intimate connections, but to define Tantra in such limited ways only maintains erroneous misconceptions.

Being genuinely Tantric is about acknowledging the sacredness of life and existence. There are some incredibly easy Tantric practices anyone can start doing today. And you don't need to be an alternative lifestyle guru, you don't need to have read dozens of books, and you don't need to attend any expensive weekend workshops in Bryon Bay. I will list just ten practices for you in this article.

Because of our ability to awaken, we have the power to realise our sense of value to ourselves, to life, and to the Universe.

The Three Guiding Principles of Tantra

Tantra has three main guiding principles in the form of breath, sound, and movement. These principles have been with you since the time you were born and are inherent in all humans, but many of us are just not aware of them.

The Fourth Principle: Being Present in the Moment

There is also the fourth principle and that is being present in the moment, or being aware of the space from which all thoughts, sensations, and forms emerge. Tantra seeks to look beyond the illusion (delusion?) of the body, mind, and ego.

Truth can be associated with expansive consciousness. When you are awake and conscious, you are aware of your true nature, and who you really are. From here, you understand that you are one and the same with all life. You recognise that life is an embodied mirror of the Universe.

Ten Easy Tantric Practices for Awakening Yourself Today

The following are some easy Tantric practices anyone can start doing today to improve themselves and their life.

1. Give thanks to the Universe for the wonders and miracles in your life. Be grateful and humble. Recognise you have a hand in shaping your life experience to date. You should celebrate your existence.

2. Live in the present moment, shifting your focus away from the events of the past and the worries of the future. This exercise helps you become more aware, connected, and in the flow of life. Every moment is a chance to show up, be present, and observe life existing around you.

3. Discover your essence as the emptiness inside of you. Spend time reflecting or meditating. Inquire about yourself by asking, "Who or what am I?"

4. Breathe deeply and mindfully to detoxify the body, boost the immune system, and silence the chattering mind.

5. Treat your body as if it were a temple or sacred site and indulge it with sincere love and respect.

6. Every day, find delight and feel joy. Allow your senses to fine-tune themselves to sensation. Lose yourself to the beauty that surrounds you. Choose one of your five senses to focus on each day.

7. Use it throughout the day to improve your awareness and sensory enjoyment.

8. Look at your partner in the eyes and breathe together. If you are single or alone, you can perform this in front of a mirror while honouring the cherished within. This technique alone has been utilised to achieve enlightenment.

9. Participate in daily movement exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga, dancing, Qigong, Tai chi, or another aerobic activity. This boosts energy, produces endorphins, and links the body to the breath.

10. Do a daily movement practice such as dance, yoga, walking, qigong, or other aerobic exercises. This increases vitality, releases endorphins, and connects the body with the breath.

And as a special bonus, here are two more:

11. Rejoice and savour in ecstasy, sensation, and passion by making love or self-pleasure frequently. Show kindness for yourself and others. Allow yourself to be free of restricting thoughts and judgements. With a true and open heart, welcome whatever surfaces in each moment.

12. Commit to living an awakened life and sharing it with others.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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