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Life Problems After a Reiki Therapy Session

Human beings have much in common with plants. By that, I mean to get the most optimal results, one must consider the specific growing conditions. Just like not every plant is the same, not every human being is the same. This is also true when responding to a Reiki therapy session. Why is it you can walk away from a Reiki therapy session and not feel healed and mended straight away?

It would be unfair to lump all people, and plants, into the same basket as we are all different and come from many different backgrounds. But let us cover the basics for better understanding.

Why Do Life Problems Persist After a Reiki Session?

So why is it that some people continue to suffer the same problems after having regular Reiki healing treatments?

Even when some people go above and beyond and not only commit to a series of treatments but also commit to a regular meditation practice, eat well, change their thought processes, etc., some others, who do absolutely nothing outside of receiving the Reiki treatment, appear to go about their lives happy, healed, and energized?

Addressing Common Misconceptions About Reiki Healing

Did something go wrong with the Reiki therapy session? Was it the fault of the Reiki practitioner somehow?

To give a clear answer to this type of question, one is always recommended to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Two Wrong Assumptions About Reiki Healing

People often jump to two hasty and faulty conclusions about Reiki therapy:

  1. Everyone has problems at the same size and level as everyone else, and the same threshold for determining "that time" to seek out healing.

  2. Reiki healing can solve all your problems.

Both are largely weak assumptions.

The Reality of Reiki Healing

Yes, many people live very happy lives, they receive regular Reiki healings and haven't got much to say on the subject because they are still comfortable with themselves and where they are with their lives. These types of people will rarely, if ever, raise their voices, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

The Impact of Life Circumstances

In parallel to this, many others are living very troublesome and problematic lives, suffering from extreme hardships, abuse, childhood traumas, lack of stability financially, lack of emotional support, no intimate bonds with others, etc.

One major element many people tend to overlook when seeing all of these "happy" people is that these types of people almost always have an established support system in their lives. There are a great number of people who come for a Reiki healing treatment who don't have a support system, they don't have others to turn to.

The Importance of Support Systems

So while all of these "happy" people will pester their partners, their friends, and even their grandmothers with questions, others come to a Reiki healing because they have no one else they can turn to for advice and guidance.

I have put happy in inverted commas because even they have their share of troubles as well. Even a happy person can hurt and torment others, they just don't talk about it. After receiving regular Reiki many people often start thinking about it and how they influence others.

Understanding the Role of Reiki in Your Life

As with most alternative or complementary healing modalities, it is a commonly held belief that many expect Reiki to fix everything in their lives for them.

Why do I keep getting red traffic lights when I am in a hurry? Why do my co-workers continue to annoy me at the office? Why do bad things keep happening to me when I keep receiving Reiki?

We need to see Reiki as a vehicle that has the capacity to take you on a long, deep spiritual journey.

However, many people are super busy paying attention to the potholes along the way rather than paying attention to where they are being taken.

Embracing Life Challenges and Planning for Growth

To dream that Reiki fixes everything is a big fantasy. There is nothing in this world that fixes everything, because if everything was fixed for you then you wouldn't be here.

Challenges keep you growing, keep you thriving, keep you learning. You are an energetic being who wanted a physical existence to experience and grow.

Consider the Starting Point

The next time you ask someone "Hey, you say you get Reiki treatments but you are still… angry/depressed/mean/lazy/ tired/etc.," also ask them about where they started from.

Because in life, not everyone starts at the same starting position and that can make all the difference to the healing journey we are on.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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