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Shoshin Therapies - Distance Energy Healing - Reiki

Anyone can send distance energy healing to others, no matter where they might reside. And you don't need to be a certified Reiki practitioner, pranic healer, or lightworker to do it. Everything in our world and universe is energy, all existing at different levels of density and vibration. As everything is comprised of energy, we each influence and interact with this energy in everything we do in life. The mere intention, thought, and desire to foster growth, healing and wellbeing in everything in your world will set in motion the manifestation to do so.

Often there are times when merely occupying space with energy isn't enough and we need to be more decisive and direct about working with energy, especially if a person in need is not physically present with us. One of the best ways to do this is through distance energy healing.

Here are some ways everyone can send energy by distance.

How To Send Distance Healing Energy

There are many different types of spiritual traditions, alternative therapies and energy healing modalities in the world, each with a slightly different slant when it comes to methods and techniques for sending healing energy. At their core, however, all share a common theme and that is intention.

Even prayer is a form of sending healing energy. This is why the power of thought should not be so easily dismissed. Thinking and wishing for good times and health is also a form of prayer and manifestation. If you identify as being a spiritual person, I recommend working with the form of sending healing energy that is most familiar to you.

If you don't have a tradition, or you find yourself only just beginning your spiritual journey, here is a good technique for you to begin with.

Burn some incense, light a fresh candle, sound a bell, or perform some other activity that allows you to note a beginning and an end to your healing session.

Find a quiet place where you can sit and remain undisturbed. Mediate, ground yourself or simply relax in stillness. Imagine yourself being in the middle of the purest and brightest light. White or gold, whatever resonates the most with you.

Set an intention, either out loud or in your mind, to work for the highest good and from the heart with love for the person in need of healing. Don't request from the Universe for a specific result or outcome for it is not our place to decide what event is best for others.

Close your eyes and imagine the person you wish to send energy to. If you struggle to form an image of them, even reciting their name in your mind is good. You could even hold a picture of them in your hands. However, you choose to visualise them and have them in a state of serene contentedness.

Send out your intention, again either verbally or in your mind, to support and magnify their highest good. Repeat it several times if you feel you need to.

Imagine them surrounded by a ball of the purest and brightest light. Hold them and their image inside this light for as long as feels right to you.

End your energy healing session by drawing in a slow deep breath. Centre yourself. Give thanks and gratitude. Give particular attention to your breathing and any sensations in your body you might be feeling.

Open your eyes and end your session by blowing out the candle, sounding the bell, or whatever you decide feels right for you.

True, there are many other ways you can perform a distance energy healing session for someone. The above formula is just one example. Give yourself permission to seek out other methods and trust your intuition when it comes to choosing one that feels right to you.

Some practitioners will state you should always get someone's permission before sending healing energy to them. However, my take is that it is fine to send energy to a general situation without asking.

Also, there are always those times when it just isn't reasonable or practical to ask a person. For example, when I pass a sad person on the street or I hear an ambulance's sirens, I briefly send healing energy to those involved. I keep it basic and merely send them energy for their highest good and best purpose.

It is in circumstances when the more personal, individualized and direct is your intent, the more extensive the energy healing session, the more vital it is to ask permission.

Intuition and common sense are the keys here.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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