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Energy is a Language - Quintin Graham Energy Worker

Energy is everything, and everything is made up of energy. Energy is the foundation of the universe and all of creation. But how exactly does it work? Is it possible to intentionally direct its creation or channel its flow? Can we learn to communicate with energy? Understanding the language of energy and learning how to use its beauty in your daily life will replace dreams and luck with the power and direction of the world around you and inside you.

Understanding the Vibrations Around You

Everything around you is moving energy, and everything vibrates with this energy. The table in front of you, the chair you are sitting on, the device you are reading the words through, the thoughts in your mind, beliefs, the changing of the seasons in nature, your physical body, and the even emotions of others are all instances of energy in motion.

Albert Einstein's Perspective on Energy

And then there is the famous quote by Albert Einstein: "Energy cannot be produced or destroyed; it can only be changed into a different state."

How Energy Communicates with Us

Energy does not communicate in human language. It doesn't speak English, German, Chinese, or Spanish. Its language is conveyed clearly though. It communicates through metaphors from our daily lives, natural disasters like thunderstorms and earthquakes, symptoms of the body, or the whispered message randomly picked up from a chapter in a book or buried in the lyrics of a song.

Decoding the Symbols of Energy

Energy communication language is through colours, geometric forms, symbols, and physical sensations strong and subtle, as well as dreams and unexpected happenings in our life. This language of energy, like any new language, is difficult to learn to begin with. It is through paying attention to how the invisible world communicates that is the first step towards understanding it. There is a message in every circumstance, and nothing happens in random isolation. And it often only takes a little investigation to figure out what it means.

Learning the Language of Energy

I gained some new insights into how nature sends us messages when I was staying at a friend's house in Brisbane. As yet another storm thundered down, making for a very wet weekend away the conversation shifted to the weather event before our eyes, namely how abnormally heavy the rains had been this year, and if this was an indication of another wet rainy season or the sign of something bigger.

Nature's Messages: Insights from a Stormy Weekend

So I said, "What if we look at what's going on...not just locally here in Brisbane, but worldwide, and not just right now, but over the last ten years…even over decades? What if we tried to figure out what these days and days of heavy rain may mean in the grand scheme of life on Earth?"

The Significance of Rain and Natural Disasters

Rain is a physical representation or manifestation of the concealed energy worlds that encircle us. It reminds me of the transformation we are all going through as humanity shifts towards a brighter, more energetically attuned condition. Rain sweeps away the old, clearing and cleansing the way for the new. I feel the rain is simply one of the ways nature communicates with us. Cyclones, droughts, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hailstorms, unseasonable cold, extreme heat, and erupting volcanoes are all examples of how nature transmits the planet's energy signals. The natural environment around us is continuously communicating.

Energy's Impact on the Human Body

Energy also communicates with us through our bodies, such as aches and pains, coughs, sniffles, and itches, as well as our instincts, thoughts, and feelings.

The Role of Empaths in Reading Energy

It amuses me that so many people claim to be empaths these days as if it were something special and exceptional. I truly feel that we are all empaths to some extent, some of us are simply more awakened to this ability than others. An empath is just someone who reads the energy of others, which is something that all of us can do, whether we realise it or not.

Becoming Fluent in the Language of Energy

Naturally, some people are more fluent in the language of energy, just as there are those more fluent in speaking Italian or Russian, and these people utilise it more intentionally, a few do it tremendously, but this is only a matter of awareness and training. We can all become more mindful language speakers, and it starts with the energy we emit.

Expressing and Understanding Your Own Energy

I used to believe that if I didn't express my views aloud, no one would notice or even pay attention to me. I now appreciate that even when I don't say anything, my energy is expressing a language loudly and clearly.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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