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Shoshin Therapies - Intuition - Learning

Developing and strengthening our intuition isn't as hard as it seems because we already possess intuitive capabilities. Some people are naturally more intuitive than others, but each of us has some innate skill we can access. Intuition is our ability to know something without any conscious reasoning or factual evidence, or without being able to explain how it happened or have any awareness of how the knowledge was obtained. Your intuition is that gut feeling you experience when you just 'know something'.

How To Develop and Strengthen Your Intuition

That invisible gut feeling we all have at various times in our lives is incredibly powerful. Your intuition is a gift that wants nothing more than to aid and guide you.

Think back to a time in your past when you felt a feeling deep inside that a decision you were making or an action you were taking didn't feel right, or something about it felt a little off to you. You felt these things, you went against the inclination to stop or turn away, but you pressed on and then…the outcome was nothing like as you expected. In fact, afterwards, you wished you had listened to your gut and not your head.

This gut feeling was your deep inner guidance. This was your intuition speaking to you. Your intuition is there to help guide you through life and towards success and happiness and your purpose and destiny. How well you are attuned to your intuition will dictate how much of a personal connection you can have with it.

When you create awareness and connection with your intuition, you will discover that your life will flourish in ways you never anticipated.

The following are some easy tips on how you can develop and strengthen your intuition.

Stop Letting Your Ego Control You

Our ego is our feeling of identity, and we utilise it to decide what we like, dislike, how we think about things, and what actions we take.

When we let the ego rule us, we are driven by our brains and intellect, and we tend to block off our hearts and feelings. However, our heart consciously appears to know more than the mind believes it does.

Now is the time to give less attention to our ego and more attention to what our spirit, which is connected to the cosmos, is communicating to us.

To do so, we must first calm our minds, eliminate all external distractions, and listen to what is being expressed within us.

Practice Meditation

Meditation is excellent for developing and tuning into your intuition. It enables you to tune out the outer world and direct your focus on yourself.

Thoughts may arise, and your mind will likely get preoccupied with diversions. Nevertheless, try to acknowledge the thoughts but do not linger on them too much.

Pay attention to your heart and spirit. What do you think you are hearing? How different is that from what you normally do? How do you know it is your intuition and not anything else speaking to you?

As you practice your meditation more, you will notice that you are growing more conscious of what your heart desires. Follow your heart's desires. This is your intuition guiding you.

Open Your Third Eye Chakra / Pineal Gland

Because the third eye chakra, or pineal gland, relates to intuition and psychic awareness, it is no surprise that focusing on it will improve your intuitive abilities.

It is not hard to open your third eye chakra. Simply practice third-eye meditation by closing your eyes, focusing your attention on the area between your eyebrows, and allowing any images, visions, or pictures to pass through your mind.

Raise your Vibration

Your intuition serves as a channel of communication between you and the cosmos. The Universe wants you to prosper and be fortunate, but you will lose out if you are not in tune with what the Universe is providing you.

Raising your vibration will assist you in becoming more in tune with the Universe. You will become more perceptive to the messages and signals that the Universe is sending you, and you will be able to act and take direction from them.

Make a conscious effort to become aware of your thoughts to boost your vibration. Substitute negative thoughts with positive ones. Increase your gratitude and take note of the beauty that surrounds you every day.

Eating more fresh and organic foods and drinking filtered rainwater or spring water will also help you raise your vibration.

Another way to raise your vibration is to perform acts of kindness for people around you. When you behave in love, you help your vibration rise to the next level.

When you work at higher frequencies, your intuition will increase.

Connect With Energy And The Universe

When you are aware of your relationship with the Universe, you are connecting to the source of everything there is. You can obtain the guidance you need if you are unsure of what to do next.

Meditation is a basic technique to connect with the Universe and receive guidance from spiritual guides and higher beings who are patiently waiting to assist you with their knowledge.

Furthermore, you and the Universe are inextricably linked by your spirit. You will be amazed at how loudly your soul and the world talk to you if you can spend a peaceful time alone and focus on yourself. The more you listen, the clearer your intuition will become.

Keep Practicing

All it takes is intention, time, and practice. Developing and strengthening your intuition can be very simple.

You have the potential to become more intuitive. All it takes is genuine intention, time, and effort. Your intuition will get stronger as you spend time meditating and connecting with the Universe.

We have been listening to our thoughts and egos for far too long. It is time to detach from these things and spend some quiet time getting to know your heart and where it is guiding you. When you achieve this, you will be well on your way to following your intuition and acting on it.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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