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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Healing Therapy

Crystal healing is a non-invasive alternative energy therapy that involves the application of crystals and gemstones at specific points on or around the body to promote healing and enhance wellness in the recipient. When crystals are used for healing purposes, their energy and vibration blend with the energy and vibration of the recipient, which consequently amplifies and transmutes the energy or vibrational frequency within the human body.

Advocates of this energetic practice believe that crystals act as instruments for healing by permitting the flow of positive, healing energy into the body whilst assisting negative, disease-causing energy to flow out.

What is Crystal Healing Therapy?

Numerous crystals may be placed on or around the person with the intention to trigger them into dropping into a state of deep relaxation that promotes stress reduction, relief from pain and tension, and fostering a more harmonious energetic balance between our energetic and physical bodies.

Most crystal therapy treatment sessions run anywhere between one to three hours in length. Different types of crystals may be used by the practitioner, either singly or multiple in specific patterns and grids. Crystals are often placed on or near areas experiencing pain, stiffness, or tension. They may also be applied to chakra points.

How Does Crystal Healing Therapy Work?

Crystals store and radiate energy vibrations at differing frequencies. A good example would be a quartz crystal that is used in a modern digital LCD wristwatch. The crystal inside the watch receives a continuous charge from the watch battery. This charge is sent directly through the crystal, which absorbs the energy and then releases it again at a specific rate of output so the watch's processes can function properly and display the correct time of day. In human beings, crystals influence our electromagnetic energy fields, or aura, that encircle our physical bodies.

Crystals attract, direct, channel, and disperse various types of negative or blocked energy that circulate in our energy fields to promote a natural and healthy rhythm. The application of certain types of crystals, with their different colours, compositions, and vibration, on the seven main chakras, helps bridge the link between the energy fields of our aura with both our physical body parts, such as organs and muscles and our emotional and mental states.

This is how different crystals can induce different outcomes in a person. For example, rose quartz may help promote feelings of love or soothe romantic heartache, whilst black tourmaline is one of the most powerful crystals for grounding, purification, and protection.

As the crystal healing practitioner will know the effect of each specific type of crystal, they are the best place to make the conscious decision as to what precise outcome is required for the recipient when it comes to aligning, balancing, and healing their chakras, energy, physicality, and emotions.

A Simple Crystal Test for Curious Beginners

The next time you pick up a quartz crystal, hold it tightly in your hand for a few minutes. Clear your mind and focus your attention on the crystal. If you are in a relaxed enough state, you should feel a subtle vibration or a pulse in your hand as you hold it. When you do, that energy or pulse you are feeling is the healing energy of the crystal flowing through your energy fields.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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