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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Energy Healing

What is Crystal Energy Therapy?

Crystals have been used by humans for healing and treatment purposes for many centuries. By working with the human energy field, crystals can assist with absorbing, focusing, directing, and diffusing energy within the human body.

By working with natural crystal energy, the natural rhythm of the body can be found.

On many occasions, crystal healing has been described as the "laying on" of stones of different vibrational rates onto the body to bring about healing and promote change.

Depending on the crystal healing therapist you receive treatment from, they may even opt to the laying out different crystal grids or specification layouts or patterns of crystals around the body. By using crystal grids and layouts, the combination of the crystals used can enhance their individual properties, and direct energy at a higher vibrational rate.

In a crystal energy therapy session, I often prefer to use different types of crystal wands to balance your body and its energy, which is always specific to you. One session is never the same as another.

At the end of each client session, I always review what crystals I used and what their properties are, as well as how this information relates to the reasons behind your visit to me. This can often reveal many different messages about your current energetic situation, and it can give you valuable insight into how you can begin to heal yourself.

How Does Crystal Therapy Work?

When crystals are formed, they are done so under not only immense heat or pressure but also a very high and precise rate of vibration. Crystals are not used exclusively for alternative healing therapies. They are also widely utilized in modern technology such as liquid crystal diodes in calculators, clocks, credit cards, fibre optic telephone cables, laser technology, and in computers, tablets, and mobile devices such as smartphones.

Diamond, which is still fundamentally a crystal, has been used for tasks such as cutting and drilling for decades.

Crystals are superb magnifiers of energy and they can absorb and enhance energy. There is just about nothing crystals cannot be programmed to assist us. They are immensely powerful tools and should always be treated and used with care and respect because of their capacity to influence energy fields.

Most of my work with crystals is through the use of crystal wands. I am naturally drawn to work with these more so than traditional raw crystals or polished stones. The nature of working with crystal wands allows for hands-off healing and does not necessarily need to have anything placed on or near the body to effect healing change.

What is a Crystal Therapy Session Like?

Intuition is always the primary guiding force, but a crystal healing session may be a combination of crystal healing, chakra balancing, and Reiki to promote the complete balancing of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The above will be performed whilst the receiver lies down on a massage table.

Why Should You Have a Crystal Therapy Session?

When we are in alignment with our true nature, when we are living in harmony with all the aspects of ourselves, and when we can release and remove blockages, we can become more attuned to Spirit.

By balancing our aura, opening our chakras, and releasing old debris that is no longer required, we can move forward in our lives with grace and ease. We can shed unwanted behaviours, habits, thought patterns, and emotions, and move into a personal place of peace and contentment.

Physical and mental diseases arise due to an imbalance of the mind, body, and spirit. Energy healing through crystals and Reiki can help to break us free from that which we no longer need and help to clear, heal, and recover our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual selves.

How Can Crystal Therapy Help You?

  • Relieve and release stress

  • Magnify your healing power and potential

  • Prevent burnout and energy depletion

  • Stimulate harmonious brain activity

  • Restore the energy structure of your body and mind

  • Stimulate healing, personal growth, and spiritual development

  • Re-connect you to the inner levels of your being and aura

  • Create carrier waves of pure vibrant energy

  • Improve your health and rejuvenate your body by stimulating the energy flow through your body

  • Transmute unwanted information that may be locked in your bones, tissues, and unconscious mind

  • Ground you and connect you to Mother Earth.

What Will You Experience During a Crystal Therapy Session?

Everyone is different. Some experience blocked emotions surfacing for them to heal. Some experience physical healing of dis-ease. Some have a more quiet and more subtle shifting of energies.

How Long Does It Take?

A healing session is typically 60 minutes but may run a little longer depending on the circumstance. At the end of the session, I review which crystals I used and what their properties are, and how that information relates to you. This can reveal a lot of messages on your present energetic situation, and your chakra energy centres, and may also give you insight on how you can begin to heal yourself.

How Often Should You Receive a Therapy Treatment?

This is a very personal experience, and therefore how often you choose to have them is purely up to you. Each session needs to be digested, assimilated, and processed for it to be effective in the healing process. Each session builds on one another and I find that clients that stick with a schedule get the results that they are looking for.

Should You Still Continue Your Treatment With Your Primary Medical Doctor?

Yes. Absolutely yes. Crystal therapy sessions are to aid and assist you in healing. They are not a substitution or replacement for adequate or necessary medical attention or any kind of psychological therapy you may be doing. I am not a medical doctor of any kind, nor do I promote myself as one. You should always consult a suitably qualified medical practitioner in conjunction with any alternative healing therapy.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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