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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Healing Language

Working with healing crystals and connecting with crystal energy requires being connected more with your feelings than with your head and thoughts to obtain noticeable results. Crystal language is feeling language.

The Importance of Emotion in Crystal Healing

Many of us live full-time in our heads. We are always thinking, we are always plugged in, switched on, and downloading something into our ever-chattering brains. This all started back in our school days when we were loaded up with textbooks and instructed to cram as much knowledge into our heads as we could. It was all remember and recite, recite and remember ad nauseum. Never once do I recall being guided by any teacher during my education years about how to be aware of impulses and signals from not only the world around me but also from my inner self.

Breaking Free from Mental Clutter: Connecting with Crystals

Our world today is all about getting things into our heads. All through our waking lives, we herd ourselves from mobile phones to tablets to computers to TVs. Many people do this all day and never take time to be calm, be quiet, be still, and do nothing but listen. For some, the act of being still and simply listening is boring, like a form of punishment type of boring. They would much rather reside in a private make-believe world inside the high tower of their mind. Surely they must know they have a physical body down below as well.

When I first ventured into using crystals, I instinctively began working with them by using my mind first. I used to hold my crystals in my hands and try to think about what it was meant to do for me. I used to concentrate so hard, almost like I wanted to squeeze the knowledge out of the crystal and into my head. I was also guilty of reading way too many books on crystals that had me expecting certain crystals to feel a certain way because that is what was written.

Unfortunately, I did not know this was unhelpful and blocked me from discovering my learning and truth. At no time did it occur to me my approach needed to be the opposite of this. To connect with the crystal and get to feel it and know more about it, I needed to be calm and still and clear my mind of chatter and thought. By dropping into this type of state, I was able to be more aware of the feelings and sensations moving through my body and draw my own conclusions about how a specific crystal was going to resonate with me.

Discovering the Power of Feelings in Crystal Energy Work

When I put down my books and started using crystals on a greater personal and intuitive level, I realized that I was doing things wrong. Being open and aware of feeling and energy with crystals was more important than what I was thinking about inside my head. I remember giving a crystal healing session to a client that left me with the most amazing feeling. There wasn't anything notable or peculiar about the session, but afterward, I was left with this feeling of magical delight, and feeling light, almost as if I was a floating feather. It was a feeling that is truly difficult to describe with words because words are of this world and that feeling was from someplace else.

As soon as I lost my focus and my attention was drawn after, this feeling left me, leaving me with nothing but a memory. It was from this moment that I came to understand that I had been handling everything back to front and that I needed to be more conscious of what I was feeling instead of thinking when I worked with crystals.

Once I became more switched on to my feelings, I soon discovered crystals had a whole new feeling – and meaning – to me. Rose Quartz would have to be one of the best crystals when working on connecting with your feelings. Rose Quartz is such a simple crystal, so common in fact that many people often overlook it, that simply radiates with feelings of nurturing, of unconditional love, and simply wants to open your heart for you. This was my feeling when I held it for the first time. Yours will be unique to you, though I am sure it will be something similar.

Another crystal that is great to work with when you want to connect more with your feelings and intuition is Amethyst. Amethyst gives off a sense of sacred purity and stillness, almost as if it knows everything about everything in the universe. It grounds you and promotes tranquillity, and calm.

Crystal Recommendations for Emotional Connection and Intuition

For those who wish to start with this new process of connecting with crystals, I highly recommend beginning with either Rose Quartz or Amethyst or both. You can then explore and discover other crystals and their feelings, characteristics, and vibrations from there.

The act of shifting your focus from thinking about crystals to feeling them will bring your perspective into an entirely new light. Your crystals will become very real to you and you come to understand why they have been revered as powerful and influential tools for thousands of years. It is their energetic vibration, their feeling, that helps our physical bodies to remember their energetic feeling.

Only when we remove ourselves from living inside our heads will we be able to discover the world – the universe – around us is one of energy, vibration, and feelings. Our health and our happiness are intrinsically linked to all of these.

Fortunately, we have crystals to help us connect with this energy, vibrations, and with our feelings.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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