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Shoshi Therapies - Clean Chakras

This chakra-clearing exercise for increased energy, vitality, and happiness is ideal for those times when you are going through change or when you are working on stressful areas in your life. It is also a perfect exercise to add to your daily energy and well-being rituals. This is a super easy-to-follow and understand chakra exercise that aims to leave you with a deep energetic clearing of non-serving energies and invigorates self-empowerment by raising your vibration and reminding you of your already whole, divine, and perfect self.

Fully functioning chakras are essential for keeping you feeling lively and your wellbeing high.

I remember a time in my past when I was going through a rough period of great change and massive transitions. I found this chakra-clearing exercise during this dark time and it helped me immensely. I had just resigned from an overly stressful corporate job and was also juggling a newborn baby and my wife was suffering from a mental breakdown. It is these types of journeys that thrust challenges upon us and force us to confront change. This chakra exercise certainly helped me during this process. I can't recommend it highly enough.

But before we jump into the exercise itself, I feel it best we do a quick recap about what chakras are and why we have them.

What are chakras and why are they important?

Chakras are a fundamental part of our energy bodies. Energy bodies are energy structures within and around our physical body. Examples of energy bodies are auric fields, meridians, and, of course, chakras. Chakras are responsible for powering life and providing support to energies throughout your body. When working optimally, your chakras will keep you healthy and bursting with vitality. They are so important for keeping you vibrant and your well-being high.

But as you go about your daily life you may bring in some energies that are not beneficial or supportive for you. It is for this reason that it is important to lessen the amount of time you spend in environments and with people that do not serve your higher purpose and that, in turn, reduces your vitality.

The effects of non-serving energies on your chakras

On top of this, chakras also focus energies within them. For example: if there are non-serving energies within you, such as negative emotions and dark thoughts, these energies will affect your vitality and the ability of the chakras to function optimally. This then reduces the amount of vital energy within your energy bodies, which may eventually lead to the manifestation of illness or ailments in your physical body.

The benefits of chakra clearing exercise

This chakra-clearing exercise for increased energy and happiness aspires to clear each main chakra and then activate, energize, and then program them with an affirmation. This is a powerful exercise to use not only during times of stress and major life events but also as a daily revitalization.

The best results are likely when you follow these steps daily.

You will be opening each of the seven main chakras, removing any non-serving energies, and then programming and restarting them to aid in increased energy and higher vibration. You will repeat this same process for each chakra one at a time. Please do not be concerned if you do not feel or sense anything when doing this exercise. What is most important is your intention and maintaining positive motivations.

Let's start the exercise.

Begin with the lowest chakra. This is normally the root chakra located at the base of your spine in the pelvis / genital area. You will then move up your body and pass through each individual chakra.

When you have found the chakra, hold your open palm just above it. Connect with the chakra by trying to sense how far it extends above the body, how it feels, how it is spinning and so pm. If you are unable to feel or sense the connection with the chakra, use your intention to do so and this will be enough.

Once you have sensed the chakra, reach into it gently and slowly turn your hand in an anticlockwise circular movement. Do this for four or five rotations whilst sensing any non-serving or blocked energy. This may be felt as causing a slight resistance on the hand. Please do not worry if you do not sense anything as there is no right or wrong with this exercise. Just maintain the purpose that you are clearing non-serving energies and this will happen.

With a scraping or scooping action, remove the non-serving energies by pulling or lifting them out of the chakra. Go through the motion of grabbing these energies and throwing them outwards and up into the heavens above. You may need to repeat this a few times until you sense that all the non-serving energies have been removed and cast away.

When you are content that the chakra has been cleared of any non-serving energies, repeat these steps for all of the other chakras, moving upwards toward the crown chakra. Once you have cleared all the chakras, go back to the root chakra, the one you started with.

Place your palm over the chakra and move your hand this time in a gentle and slow clockwise direction. As you do this, focus your intention and energy on the chakra. Imagine and intend the chakra is being strengthened, repaired, and filled with abundant and nurturing energy. Imagine the chakra starts to glow brightly from the inside out as it spins.

As you do this, repeat the following affirmation, either spoken or in your mind, that will raise your vibration and remind you that you are already whole and divine:

"I am an eternal, divine, and energetic being who is whole and perfect and one with the Universe."

Embrace and feel the power of the affirmation as it fills your chakra. Now slowly spread this around your body whilst remembering your true identity.

Repeat these steps for each chakra, moving upwards toward the crown chakra. Once complete, you can either go on and do your other energetic or spiritual practices, or you may simply finish off by giving thanks and feeling gratitude.

Tips to optimize the chakra clearing exercise

This exercise may sound like a long one, but you will be amazed at just how quickly you will be able to do it with the correct focus and intention. This exercise is one that not only aims to restore your energy but it also helps you remember you are already whole and perfect. You were created by the Universe after all.

With a little practice, this exercise can achieve so much by just using your focus and intention. There is also a lot of room for experimentation with this exercise, so if you feel like adding a different affirmation or only working on certain chakras and not others, please feel free to experiment and do what feels right for you.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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