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Shoshin Therapies - Masculine - Feminine - Energy

When we incarnate into this life and this dimension, both men and women do so for the same reasons as all energetic beings: to accomplish spiritual goals, engage in experiences, and share the achievements and knowledge they have acquired with others. While we may find ourselves in our physical forms possessing similar inspirations and motivations, the inherent differences in genetic structure, energetic form, and polarity in the masculine and the feminine steer men and women down separate paths to this goal.

It is of great benefit to take a closer look at the differences between men and women – masculine energy and feminine energy – to improve our appreciation of how these differences play out spiritually and physically between the sexes.

Both men and women are multidimensional energetic beings created by universal consciousness. Regardless of what gender we are born into, we all participate in relationships on all dimensions of the physical and non-physical planes. Being a multidimensional energetic being gives us the capacity to connect with the Universe and to experience intimacy, joy, pleasure, and love with each other in divine couplings and relationships.

Exploring the Differences in Masculine and Feminine Energy

Men and women – masculine energy and feminine energy – in this dimension have much in common.

The Balance of Yin and Yang in Relationships

In ancient Taoism, it is taught that two differing energies – yin and yang – first appeared when the earth was born. Yin came to embody all characteristics and qualities of the feminine: body, soul, moon, water, darkness, and protection. Yang came to symbolize all characteristics and qualities of the masculine: mind, spirit, sun, fire, and dominance.

That said, there is nothing in Taoism that labels any one thing as being absolutely Yin or Yang or masculine or feminine. Taoists don't even consider being a physical man or woman as absolute.

Everything in the universe has constantly changing, moving, and interlacing elements of both Yin and Yang. The dynamics of the relationship between the Yin and Yang elements are never static and forever fluctuating. Yin may turn into Yang and Yang may turn into Yin, and then back again.

Water is a fantastic example of this constant change. Water in its liquid state is Yin. Water in its Yang state is ice.

Men and women in our society display this same type of interaction when their male and female forces – their masculine and feminine energies – intermingle with each other. Even if someone's gender orientation is clear and obvious, the degree of masculine or feminine energy (their gender orientation) inside of them will be different for everyone.

Some men are noticeably more masculine than other men, and some women are more feminine than other women. Everyone's sexual orientation is governed by the collaboration of male and female energetic - Yin and Yang - influences in their energy field.

All of us, even on a subconscious level, are looking to bring balance to ourselves. The same is true with our sexual orientation and the partners we seek out. The more extreme the pronouncement of energy type, the more extreme the counterpart one is looking for to complement and bring about balance and accomplish one's spiritual goals.

An exceptionally masculine person will be drawn to an exceptionally feminine person and will desire a spiritual path that necessitates one's masculinity to be complementary to powerful female energy to achieve equilibrium with one's gender orientation.

An exceptionally feminine person will be drawn to an exceptionally masculine person and will desire a spiritual path that necessitates one's femininity to be complementary to powerful male energy to achieve equilibrium with one's gender orientation.

Seeking Equilibrium: Spiritual Goals and Gender Orientation

Gender and finding the right gender orientation or "fit" remains an enduring enigma for many people. A tangible solution is only feasible if a man or a woman rises above the restrictions of polarity and gender and seeks to balance the masculine/feminine energetic dynamics, thus reconciling their gender orientation.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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