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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Therapy - Trust

Being in an environment and space that supports safety, openness and total relaxation is fundamental to experiencing the full capacity of Tantra and Tantric therapy. A key ingredient to this is trust. To be able to embrace the fullness of intimate bodywork and sexual healing, there needs to be trust. It is through authentic and sincere trust that we can build a better touch connection between people. This way a person's Tantric journey is moving, supportive, nourishing, inspiring, and, above all, safe.

Trust: The Foundation of Tantric Therapy

I have lost count of the number of times I have had clients confide in me how they themselves, or are recounting the tale of someone they know, who have experienced some form of abuse of power or overstepping of boundaries by people in the role of their Tantric practitioner or teacher. In these cases, boundaries were broken by violation on physical, psychological, and emotional levels, often by people in positions of power touching others intimately before the trust was developed and permission properly given.

As a result of this intrusive behaviour, which includes psychological and sexual traps as well as unequal power imbalances, abusive, toxic, and frequently highly harmful relationships can develop.

It frequently works in favour of the practitioner or the person in the mentor role since they have influence over the vulnerable and exposed client or pupil. The client or pupil may thus quickly transform into an innocently captivated and willing play partner or servant of such domination and manipulation.

Look for Real Love and Feelings

Genuine love, tender feelings, and empathetic emotions are rarely present in these circumstances. When the spell is broken, the victim of the power play awakens to discover themselves as having been used and taken advantage of, and now existing in a shattered mental and physical state in dire need of repair.

Some people lose themselves because they lack the fortitude to keep going, say no, seek help, or return to the path of their truth and spirit. Others do, and they find the authentic healing and resolutions they require to stand strong and continue in their journey.

The Danger of Abuse in Positions of Power

Regrettably, it is all too often the case within many educational environments there are those people who thrive on being in positions of power, dominance, control, and influence so that they may exploit others to satisfy their selfish sexual wants and desires.

This is not solely in Tantric circles but in any academic institution. It is through the balance of power that forms in the teacher/student or practitioner/client dynamic that lays the groundwork for previously buried predatory, primal, and narcissistic aspects of a person to be unleashed when this person finds themselves in positions of authority and influence over the less educated, less aware, and, sadly, the innocent and ignorant.

This abuse of power is rarely obvious to the person being abused or taken advantage of. Teachers, mentors, and guides will convince their recipients of what they need to do to receive the best teaching or most learning, all the while leading further astray.

Once on this path, recipients are exposed and vulnerable, likely to be totally unaware their educator is a potential threat because of the implied trust they believe they have in them. After all, the teacher is so nice, so wise, so charming, so willing to share their gift of knowledge with others.

Because of their surrender to the leader's vision and direction, the recipient's innocence, and enthusiastic assent in the hunt for the perfect experience or means to perfect their body and self is like an addictive narcotic for the one in authority. The offer to play with such an enlightened and gifted person is extended, and it is accompanied by risk.

The Importance of the Giver / Receiver Relationship

The goal of the giver/receiver partnership is to help the person learn new knowledge or receive treatment to improve their life for the better. This type of interaction is critical because it is frequently the first place in which the person in the receiver role communicates intimate ideas, beliefs, and feelings about the issue(s) at hand.

As a result, the person in the leadership role must provide a secure, open, and non-judgmental environment in which those in the care may feel at peace and safe.

A successful Tantric giver/receiver relationship is built on trust, respect, and safety. Genuine Tantric practitioners are supposed to demonstrate empathy and sincerity. Establishing a personal connection is an important stage in both the healing and learning process and trust is an essential ingredient for the partnership to be fruitful.

Because the giver/receiver relationship's power dynamic heavily favours the giver, the receiver must also trust that sensitive issues will be kept confidential and that he or she will be protected from abuse or exploitation at the hands of the giver, especially during intimate bodywork.

Once a personal connection has been established, the receiver may be more willing to open up emotionally and provide more information about their issues, embrace the learning experience more openly, and so on.

In turn, this allows the practitioner or teacher to have a deeper understanding of the point of view, feelings, and motivations of others.

Building a Successful Tantric Practice with Trust

On your Tantric journey and in your practice, be cautious about who you allow to advise you and to whom you submit yourself. Do your homework. Before you submit to practitioners and teachers, ask them questions, many questions.

If the lessons include strong discipline and kindness, these are excellent foundations for a healthy and blossoming practice that will enrich your knowledge and provide great foundations for expanding your consciousness and awareness on your journey into Tantra.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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