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Being Thankful - Elliott Heads Beach Dusk

I happened to be walking along the beach at Elliott Heads beach at dusk yesterday afternoon, with the gentle waves breaking beside me, the soft sand under my feet, and the shining light of the afternoon sun shrinking over the horizon.

Here I was on this quiet stretch of beach with nothing but the sand, the setting sun, and the Pacific Ocean for company.

Embracing Gratitude in Everyday Moments

I stopped and looked out at the sunset. I don't consciously remember stopping my breathing, but I know it did.

As I blinked and took in a deep breath of salty sea air, I took a moment to be thankful.

The Importance of Morning Reflections

I was thankful for having a life. I was thankful for being able to watch this sunset on this beach.

Wherever you happen to be at the day's end, no matter what type of life you live, and no matter what life has or has not given you, take just a few moments of your day to be thankful you have been given the gift of life and appreciate what it means for you to be here.

Ways to Give Back and Show Appreciation

Be sure to give something back to the world, to the universe, a little something, anything at all, to let it be known you are grateful for the miracle of life and the energy surrounding you. Do something that energizes your body, that makes you feel warm and alive. Be kind to a stranger, help an old person, make children laugh, create something.

Overcoming Daily Challenges with a Grateful Heart

Our lives are often so busy and our time so poor that we tend to take life and the world for granted like this will always be here for us.

Life is never going to be perfect. You won't like every person and every person won't like you. There will always be idiots, bigots, know-it-alls, and people on trains who don't use deodorant. Work is going to be boring, bills will need to be paid, it will rain when you want sunshine, and family is going to get under your skin.

Recognizing the Miracle of Life

But look around you. You are alive and here on this tiny rock floating through outer space in an infinite universe. That is simply mind-blowing. If only we had the time to see it, to experience it, to embrace it all.

Finding Joy in the Present Moment

The moment you have right now is so special and precious.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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