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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Sex - For Couples - Kiss

For couples looking to expand and build upon their intimate relationship, Tantra and tantric sex can offer much to enhance romantic connections, increase sexual pleasure, and give better orgasms to both women and men. However, much about tantric sex is often misinterpreted. Tantra and tantric sex are about divine lovemaking and not male and female threesomes, orgies, or polygamous group sex. Great tantric sex uses lovemaking to bring together two loving and sexual people into a passionate union of body, mind, and soul.

The following are a few easy and very simple features about tantric sex for beginners that any couple can start using today…

Take Your Time

There is no need to rush things with Tantra. One of the key elements of tantric sex is taking your time. Tantric sex is sex without ego and learning to be selfless. It is about each partner learning to give and receive equally and without ulterior motives. The approaches learned and used with tantric sex open the door to both partners being able to experience a much wider range of sensual sensations and sexual pleasures that can be so much more intense and compounded than simply a short orgasm experienced in the genitals.

When a couple gets into what tantric sex is all about, they learn to appreciate that having an orgasm is secondary to deep connection and the sustained pleasure they can feel with their partner and which can be carried through the entire body. And this is a pleasure that is no less intense and no less satisfying than the pleasure of orgasm itself.

Create The Right Environment

To truly begin to experience what tantric sex is, a couple needs to practice tantric lovemaking in the right setting and environment. This environment should be free from outside noise and distraction, away from interruptions, and is safe, calm, and peaceful. Ideally, this sacred space should be neat, free of mess and clutter, warm, inviting, and relaxing. Even a few simple additions to a room can create the best type of mood and harmony. Consider things such as soft lighting, calming music, candles, burning incense, or essential oils.

Connect With Your Partner

Once you have found your sacred space and have prepared it, both of you should sit on the bed and face each other. Hold hands and look deep into each other's eyes. Now just breathe. Take a deep breath in, hold it, and relax into the exhale. Do this together and in sync with each other. When you breathe in and out be sure to do so with purpose and meaning, pay attention to your partner's breaths and how their body is moving.

By connecting through eye gazing and with shared breathing, you will soon become spiritually connected, more relaxed, and more in harmony with each other. The more you are in tune together, the more aware, conscious, and open you will become.

It Is Not a Race

There is no race to the finish with tantric sex. There is no rush to cum and climax as quickly as you can. For many couples, lovemaking is about going through repeated motions to get to penetration and then racing to the finish line, with ejaculation and orgasm being the prime motivator.

In contrast to this, tantric sex takes a slower, more meaningful, and purposeful approach to sexual intercourse. The idea is to connect and sense, to stay focused in the moment, not rush, and to enjoy each other's bodies.

It Is All About Feeling and Sensing

Tantric sex is about harnessing and using all the senses that human beings have been blessed with. This includes taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound. The potential options when it comes to using our senses during lovemaking are endless. Caress, eye gaze, kiss, fondle, stroke, lick, nibble, whisper, and touch are just a few of the great things a person can do to heighten sensation and connection with their intimate partner. Take turns giving and receiving. Connect through a slow sensual massage, or simply just cuddle and touch each other without haste.

Tantric sex has the view that a sexual partner's body as a whole is ripe for pleasure and not just their genitals. The whole body is capable of receiving touch and being pleasured. So don't forget to give attention to the neck, ears, nose, stomach, arms, thighs, legs, bum, chest, and feet. The aim is to become familiar, relaxed, and aroused by all of your partner's body and to awaken the sensuality and sexual energy within them. They will likewise do the same for you. You are certainly free to include any type of touch to the lingam (penis) or yoni (vagina) as a part of your tantric lovemaking, but just be sure that it isn't the main focus.

Don't Be In a Rush to Stick It In

Penetration during sex is wonderful. Just don't be in a rush to get there. When actual sexual intercourse takes place, it is important for a man to not race toward his orgasm and ejaculation, no matter how fiery and intense his feelings may be. A man should learn to hold back his ejaculation when he feels his orgasm is about to occur. To do this a man should stop (not slow down), breathe deeply, relax, and then continue to pleasure his partner again and then himself. This should be repeated each time he feels he is getting close to his climax.

This type of repeated action helps to build up an immense amount of sexual energy in both partners. It also is beneficial to a man as it promotes self-control, increases emotional connection, heightens physical awareness and sensation, and makes the final orgasmic release much more powerful.

Connect Together As One

Tantric sex is about connection and fullness. When both of you are ready to release your sexual tension and climax, be sure to maintain your eye connection together. Gaze deeply into your lover's eyes and look completely inside of them. Feel their skin on your skin. Feel their breathing. Talk to them and tell them what you are feeling from them right at this moment. When a couple is connected in these ways and not just with their genitals, the sensation of orgasm will be much more intense and will entwine a couple closer together in sexual unity.

Would you like to know more about tantric sex and tantric therapies for couples? Would you like to learn how to have better orgasms? If so, please feel free to contact me.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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