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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki and Abundance

Is there a connection between Reiki and the manifestation of abundance in our lives? Will our awareness of the benefits and blessings in our life grow if we receive Reiki energy regularly? For many of those connected with Reiki, I feel the answer to these questions is yes. Many people first seek out Reiki to help with an illness or medical condition, generally after exhausting all other Western-medicine options. What people new to energy healing don't realise, however, is that Reiki offers so much more.

Reiki: More than Just Physical Healing

When someone becomes aware of the limitless potential for physical healing, they become more conscious of the limitless possibilities for all types and levels of energetic healing. Because Reiki is guided by the Universal Life Force energy, healing energies will have an impact on our emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Because the Universe loves each of us unconditionally, the Reiki recipient receives an abundance of love and acceptance. This love genuinely knows no bounds.

Challenging Society's Values with Reiki

This runs in opposition to many of our established cultural beliefs and societal values.

We are surrounded by the swollen vibrations of consumerism, materialism, hedonism, and a variety of other "isms". There never seems to be enough money, time, or material items to satisfy the never-ending list of wants and demands.

We live our lives holding the impression that no matter what we accomplish, no matter what we do, we are not good enough and we are never going to be happy - whether it is a promotion at work, not being able to afford the most expensive home, acquire the most luxurious sports car, or taking holidays to faraway exotic locations.

Shifting Priorities: The Blessings of Reiki

In contrast, Reiki teaches us something quite different. We get to have direct knowledge of the loving relationship with the Universe's flawless love. It is fantastic that there are now so many Reiki practitioners around the world that so many of us can experience a Reiki session and take part in a healing experience. Or, even better, we may learn Reiki ourselves and use it on a regular basis to access these energies regularly.

A change occurs over time, and our priorities have shifted. What was once significant in our life fades into the background, while what was trivial becomes a big emphasis. Perhaps an hour of meditation is more essential than binge-watching the latest TV series on Netflix or scrolling through social media feed streams. This newfound understanding is definitely a blessing.

The Universal Life Force and Achieving Balance with Reiki

Abundance is everywhere. There are enough resources to fulfil our every want and need in this world of ours. The Universal Life Force is always present and inspires us to achieve the total body, mind and spiritual balance and healing.

And Reiki is the key to making this happen.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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