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About Sprit Guides - What You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered about those unseen forces that dance through the tapestry of your life, guiding you through the twists and turns? We all have spirit guides who look over us and guide us through life. They are your ethereal buddies who have got your back. Here are a few more details about our spirit guides and who they are.

The Different Forms of Spirit Guides

Spirit guides present themselves in many different forms. Spirit guides can be passed over family members or loved ones from past lives, and some spirits are those who have originated from Source or the Universe.

True spirit guides typically do not present themselves to us in physical form, choosing instead to tag along with us on our journey because, guess what, they have been through the same rollercoaster of life as you. Only this time they have decided to help you out. The other possibility is the spirit may simply have a soul attraction to you.

The Transient Role of Deceased Loved Ones as Spirit Guides

Deceased loved ones who become spirit guides only do so for a short time before their next reincarnation. Whilst there is no set timeframe for this, it is generally accepted they choose to be close whilst their immediate family is still alive here on Earth. A lot of souls spend time with their family in spirit directly after their passing.

Typically, it is either their love or sadness that keeps them bound to our dimension. These souls will usually return to the task of reincarnating once they understand we no longer need them, or if we ourselves pass over. This is the reason why the average reincarnation cycle of a soul usually takes anywhere from 50 to 150 years as souls tend to remain close with their ancestors.

Understanding How Spirit Guides Manifest to Us

Spirit guides will often take on the form of something familiar to you so that you can understand their presence. This is usually in human or animal form, and even their style of clothes sense will be reminiscent of some era or culture that is familiar to you.

This is why when a psychic or medium describes your spirit guide to you it is best to only take note of the message and the personality of the guide which comes through to them.

Spirit Guides vs. Angels in Physical Form

Spirit guides are only present in spirit form, never in physical form as some people believe. Unlike angels, spirit guides are unable to take on a physical form.

Most people have a team of spirit guides or spirit helpers around them with each possessing a talent or purpose to help guide you. Sometimes one or two spirit guides will stand at the front of the team if their purpose or talent is needed more so at a point in time.

Once they serve their purpose, they step back and allow others to assist.

Do feel free to speak to your spirit guides daily as they can help with our day-to-day problems and can give amazing guidance when needed.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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