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Shoshin Therapies - Inner Child Alive Imagination

As we age, we tend to lose the carefree and imaginative spirit of our childhood. The pressures of daily life, responsibilities, and criticisms can cause us to stifle our creativity and imagination. However, it's never too late to reignite the spark of our inner child and embrace our imagination once again. In this article, we willexplore five ways to keep your inner child alive and experience the wonder and joy of imagination.

Cultivate Curiosity and Ask Better Questions

Curiosity is a fundamental aspect of childhood that we can continue to nurture as adults. By being more open-minded and asking better questions, we can generate new ideas and continually learn and explore the mysteries of the world. As Albert Einstein once said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Play Pretend - Escape Reality

Playing pretend is a powerful way to keep our inner child alive. It allows us to escape from the present moment and immerse ourselves in a world of our own creation. We can imagine ourselves as the person we aspire to be or pretend to be happy even when we're feeling down. By embracing our imagination and playing pretend, we can bring some magic and joy back into our lives.

Take More Risks - Embrace Adventure

Children are fearless risk-takers who aren't afraid to run fast, climb high, and strike up conversations with anyone. As adults, we can adopt the same adventurous spirit and embrace life as a daring adventure. Taking risks and pursuing the life we truly desire is the only way to experience growth, love, and a full life.

Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Children are carefree and don't worry about what others think of them. They laugh, sing, and dance whenever the mood strikes them. As adults, we can also embrace this carefree spirit by letting go of our self-consciousness and doing the things that excite us, regardless of what others might think. By embracing our authentic selves, we can experience more joy and freedom in our lives.

Be More Creative - Awaken Your Inner Artist

Children are naturally creative, and we can tap into this same spirit by making time for creative activities at least once a week. Whether it's painting, writing, or playing music, the point is to be consistent in reawakening our creativity and discovering unexpected outlets that bring joy to our lives. By embracing our creativity, we can tap into the creative flow of the universe and transform our lives in amazing ways.

Remember, our inner child is always within us.


Why Curiosity Matters (

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